RUSSKAJA - Paschli (Official Video) | Napalm Records

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New Album, Turbo Polka Party, out this Friday!

Touring relentlessly while still rocking stages on TV as the house bandon the prestigious "Willkommen Österreich" – RUSSKAJA’s Turbo Ska Punk is unstoppable and develops with each new album! It's time to shake a leg and toast to an unforgettable time together with RUSSKAJA.

Turbo Polka Party Tour 2023
w/ Paddy & The Rats, Bloodsucking Zombies from outer Space
23.02.23 DE – Nuremberg / Hirsch
24.02.23 DE – Munich / Backstage
25.02.23 CH – Pratteln / Z7 Konzertfabrik
26.02.23 AT – Dornbirn / Conrad Sohm
28.02.23 DE – Leipzig / Werk 2, Halle D
01.03.23 DE – Jena / F-Haus
02.03.23 DE – Hanover / Musikzentrum
03.03.23 DE – Cologne / Kantine
04.03.23 DE – Hamburg / Grünspan
05.03.23 DE – Berlin / Columbia Theater
08.03.23 AT – Linz / Posthof
09.03.23 DE – Bochum / Zeche
10.03.23 DE – Frankfurt am Main / Batschkapp
11.03.23 DE – Stuttgart / Im Wizemann
23.03.23 AT – Salzburg / Rockhouse
24.03.23 AT – Graz / PPC
25.03.23 AT – Vienna / Arena
30.03.23 UK – London / Omeara
01.04.23 UK – Manchester / Deaf Institute
02.04.23 UK – Glasgow / Stereo
03.04.23 IE – Dublin / The Grand Social
04.04.23 UK – Bristol / Lost Horizon
06.04.23 FR – Villeurbanne / CCO
07.04.23 FR – Fontenay-le-Compte / Festival On N'a Plus 20 ans
08.04.23 FR – Paris / Petit Bain
09.04.23 NL – Haarlem / Patronaat
Рекомендации по теме

Echt schade, dass ihr aufhören wollt...
Ich verstehe eure Gründe aber ich finde trotzdem sehr traurig und wahnsinn was passiert ist... mann... wir leben echt in einer verrückte Welt.
Danke für eure Musik und ich wünsche euch viel Kraft für die Zukunft






Bitte macht weiter, gerade in diesen traurigen Zeiten braucht es so tolle Bands wie euch!


The people who got offended by the name and use of Soviet symbolism don't understand that this band's style and vibe is more reminiscent of the illegal underground music scene in the USSR. They partied hard, were masters of bitter irony and subverted officialdom. Nothing could be further from actually glorifying or supporting Soviet ideology or the Russian aggression today. But you only hear what you want to hear, I guess.

"Let's go, we have everything in front of us". The title of this song is so beautifully ironic now.
Thank you Georgij and your band for the beautiful music, the crazy energia and for all the good you did. Come back one day.


Eure Auflösung tut echt weh. Ich will mir gar nicht vorstellen, wie es euch damit geht. Eure Musik wird für immer in meiner Playlist mitlaufen, danke für all die großartigen Lieder! Ich wünsche euch allen das allerbeste.


Te quiero mucho Russkaja. Gracias por haber venido a México, mi corazón desea que ojala algún día toquen otra vez en vivo.


I learn this morning that the concert I wanted to go to from Russakaja in Paris has been cancelled....due to the dissolution of the group.
I read the statement and like many I can understand their choice unfortunately given what the band is going through.
However, would we have imagined just once that we could act in this way with a very Anglo Saxon group from the USA or UK (or others, the list is not that big) involved, in so many wars or supporting it (Vietnam, Iraq, Afhanistan, libya, chile, serbia, malounias, cuban embargo, granada island and so many others.... all the crap that we can hear non-stop when it comes to orienting opinion. Tennis players are asked to publicly affirm that they do not support the war when they have nothing to do with it and that Saying something so serious, can also get them in trouble.
Never have we been so virulent against the "free world" when it caused death and suffering on all continents for interests. This group had a singer of Russian origin, Austrian group, with texts at the antipodes of the war, any war, and declarations against the current conflict but even that was not enough. I obviously have sadness for their members (as they said it s not only a "job" for them, their fans...but also anger and resentment against these purveyors of "freedom" only when it serves their interests and their "double standards". But also against all those stupid morons who, a year ago, didn't even know where Ukraine was on a map and became ayatollahs of righteous thought, forgetting that many, many people do not support the ( all) wars, nor their leaders who just manipulate us.
This group has ceased to exist because bad people (on both sides in this conflict) have acted and others (indirect lackeys) are stupid enough to relay this by doing a witch hunt.
Farewell Russkaja,


Dancing Polka Metal is not Dead🤘Hello Japan🤘Thank you very much!RUSSKAJA Forever🎉


Terima kasih banyak atas perjalanan selama ini, saya senang bisa bertemu dengan Russkaja. Saya mengerti keputusan band untuk mengakhiri ini, tapi tetap saja rasanya sayang, saya belum melihat sama sekali Russkaja dan belum bertemu sesama fans Russkaja di Indonesia 😢. Semoga ke depannya member band ini baik-baik saja dan tidak dapat banyak ujaran kebencian dari manapun. Sekali lagi terima kasih dan selamat tinggal 🙏


Rest in peace Russkaja, another victim of war and ignorance.


Wow! I did not know about this band. I LOVE this song!!! It reminds me kinda like Gogol Bordello, with all the instruments they are playing. What a fun song! 🖤🤘🏼🖤🐈‍⬛🖤


Man this band rules. I understand why they're ending it but it would be really cool if they just rebranded and kept making music


Ich bin so traurig! Ich wünsche mir, daß alles wieder gut wird! 🕊


Echt schade, hab euch letztes Jahr in Frankreich gesehen. Eure Message war unmissverständlich, für den Frieden und für die Ukraine. Es war schön und extrem bewegend kurz nach Beginn des Krieges einen Ukrainer und einen Russen Seite an Seite auf der Bühne stehen zu sehen. Ich verstehe trotzdem die Entscheidung, eure Sicherheit geht vor. Danke für die schöne Zeit. ☮️🇺🇦


Kommt wieder nach WACKEN rocken wieder wie damals! Мы с вами!


Lasst euch doch NICHT unter IHR seid einsame Klasse! Es geht doch um MUSIK und Kunst! BITTE macht weiter! Benennt euch um, wenn es schon nicht anders geht, the SHOW must go on :-) ich halte euch die Daumen!


it's kinda of amazing how many different languages are in these comments.


Пацаны вообще ребята. Особенно вон тот с бородой. Огонь


Los quiero mucho 🥺💜
Aun estoy muy triste 😔


Amigos regresen a tocar, los extrañamos!! Y algún día esperamos verlos en Latinoamérica!! Horns Up!!
