Level 15 Will Kill Clash Royale

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This video is me speaking out about the problem with Level 15 and how bad it truly is. I didn't want to have to make this video, but it's so bad, it feels wrong of me to not say something. In my opinion this is worse than Clan Wars II and far worse than Level 14 or the Update for Losers, and I will explain why you shouldn't accept new levels as the new normal. I will advocate for people to speak up about it, but please do not harass Supercell devs. At the end of the day, it's just a mobile game.

Music List:
Nintendo eShop Theme (July 2014)
The Frostlands - Octopath Traveler
Dead Cells - The Merchant
An Ordinary Day - Kumi Tanioka

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The only way they can fix this is by adding the long-awaited Poison Spirit.


It is impressive at how Supercell is making so many decisions but every single one is the wrong one


Honestly Supercell can’t ignore this backlash from the community, let’s hope that every content creator makes a video like this


This is a business suit decision, not a developer decision. I can't imagine Drew and Max wanted to go through the blowback. I've no doubt that in meetings between the suits and the developers, they strongly advocated against this. But once this decision is made, the developers have to support it as the frontline person.


To be fair, just adding a new card every month would have been perfect. It provides new content, new meta and new ways of enjoying the games mechanics. The early days of Clash Royale truly was the perfect moment to play the game because of this.


This absolutely feels like what you see in a lot of f2p/gacha games of, as in any game, the playerbase will naturally decrease over time, so to keep revenues consistent or even rising to please investors, you have to keep squeezing harder on those players who stick around, which will cause some to feel priced out of the game and leave, furthering the cycle.


The problem is that Supercell doesn't understand that people want to be maxed, so they can be in a fair playing field. Just like B-rad said, what people complain about the most is facing over-leveled cards.


As a person who just recently hit lvl 14 on a ton of cards it was super exciting! The thought of having max cards kept me going and made me want to use different and new decks, now that lvl 15 is added the devs are forcing me to focus on 1 deck again as I need high lvl cards to compete. But with how long the road is for 15 is not exciting but just overwhelming making me not even wanna play anymore :(

Note: I’ve been playing since global and seen all the ups and downs but I’ve never really considered to stop playing until now


i had metioned the new update to my brother and he said that clash royale is in the overwatch spiral.
this spiral follows these steps:
1) lose players and income.
2) launch an update to get money from your players.
3) get a huge backlash.
4) repeat the cycle.


I love the ending, "I don't think it can get much worse".
Then today they announced they're replacing the gems in masteries and with a pitiful amount of gold. Just when you think the hole can't get any bigger, SuperCell just keeps digging...


Good to see all the youtubers doing the right thing and protesting against level 15 and these cheap tricks like "no gold" that sound good on the surface but are actually terrible for the players
You guys are the closest we have to supercell and they will much more likely listen to you then us so maybe it could have an impact and help the game


You know it's bad when a level takes more progression than all the other card levels from lvl 1-15. Good to see you and other CR creators speaking out to this update.


I recently found this channel after getting back into the game this week. And I'd already thought that the addition of level 14 was a problem. So seeing them add yet another level feels REALLY bad. Specially with the nerfed progression. Ladder and clan wars get more and more painful than they originally were because these are actually months or even years added of extra progression grind to a f2p


You should never hate voicing your critic! Everyone should be vocal about things that are an issue instead of silencing themselves over the problems existence.


I appreciate that the clash creators like boss, brad, and now you are speaking out for the community. I quit the game 2 months ago but I still keep up with the community hoping for the game to be in a better state.


On one hand, lots of other games would kill for the kind of developer outreach and transparency that CR has, but because of that it's the community's responsibility to make their voices heard to make this game the best it can be. It's really important to make these kinds of videos so the devs can make a great game instead of turning it into micro transaction hell.


Just subbed man. Thank you for keeping it real. I had a sinking feeling a few years ago when they started pumping micro transactions that it was the beginning of the end. Maybe not the end of Clash Royale, just the end of a reasonable balance between player satisfaction and profits. The last two updates alone are such a massive swing in the wrong direction that it seems they're committed to putting a brick on the gas pedal of micros they don't much care about balance at all now. I have no idea if there's a way for fans to get them to stop. That doesn't mean it's not worth the fight anyway. Thanks for being one of the voices with a platform speaking for likely quite a few of us who are sick of SC's current path.


6:50 "No extra content behind level 15"
That aged just wonderfully.


Now after this video got published, clash Royale removed gems from masteries and put gold instead, and their excuse was "players needs gold more than gems"

First they used the gold as an excuse to add elite levels, and now they're using to remove THE ONLY RELIABLE WAY TO GET GEMS

This is ridiculous
