The Los Angeles Area, 1966

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This video is a snapshot of a time and a place--the Los Angeles area in the spring of 1966. It uses documentary film shot by the USIA in Los Angeles and the surrounding area, including Hollywood, Burbank and the UCLA campus. For music, of course, the Beach Boys' California Girls is a perfect fit.
For those of us who remember the mid-60's, this is like a time capsule--the architecture, the cars, the clothes and hair were very specific to that time. Benjamin Braddock, from The Graduate, would feel right at home.
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I moved to L.A. in 1964 when I was 19. This is so, so familiar. What a great time to be young in the city ! Sure miss the old landmarks.


Truly these people were on top the world back then.


I may have only been 10 years old in 1966, but the wonderful nostalgia and longing for a familiar past hit me hard. Los Angeles looked like a nice place back then.


These days will NEVER come back. All we've got left are souvenirs, folks.


I was 16 in '66 and that was very nice to see. I can name every car on the road, too. Now-a-days, I can hardly recognize my own car in a parking lot.


L A in a golden era when it was alive with youth, great music and a genuine feeling of excitement and optimism thanks for the footage Auckland New Zealand 2022


I was born and raised in LA but now when I go visit I can’t wait to get out! 😢 It’s gone forever 😢.


If you're like me, this video is a smorgasbord of classic American and foreign cars, including a second-generation Buick Rivera; a Corvette convertible; an Austin-Healey 3000; and of course the Triumph TR4 at the end.


'65' grew up in Lynwood, Compton area . Who'd a thought? Nice cars. Wide roads? What a change a lifetime brings. Thx.


Sometimes in my dreams I am back to good old times and when I wake up it feels like falling from sky and sadness takes hold !
Time is a cruel mistress !


Moved there in 1967 just after this was shot. I grew up on that UCLA campus as both my parents were grad students there at that time. Bunch Hall (history) was where my father had his office and Dickson (Art) was where my mother worked. I later spent a few years there as a student in the Theater Arts department (MacGowen Hall). All of those shown here along with the main quad and the music school. Wonderful memories. Just recently visited the same part of the campus with my daughter and very little has changed.


Unfortunately, I had to wait 12 years before my first visit there back in 1978 to celebrate my 21st birthday there. I went on to visit L.A. another three times: back in May of 1981, back in August of 1983, and then again in October of 2015. Even though I was born and raised right here in the Philadelphia area, and I still live here, L.A. is still my favorite vacation spot!


Is this the same planet that we are on.


Great footage. Well done. The 60s were very happy for many people and very difficult for many people. This looks like a happy part. nice


Grew up in the LA area in the 50's-60's. We lived where everyone else wanted to live. Exciting, but we took for granted a life that only in the wealthy can experience in LA today. My parents said that by 1975 they already saw LA in decline due 100% to uncontrolled growth. Most of my family left SoCal in the 80's. I still love to visit but wouldn't want to live there.


@0:51 Classic Los Angeles...the car pulling into the NBC lot has a smashed rear-end with the trunk lid bouncing up and down cuz it won't close anymore, lol!


In the first scene was Desilu studios at Gower and Melrose. My sister to me that she and my dad were stopped at the signal and my sister spotted Desi Arnaz in the crosswalk and started stuttering Desi. Just as Desi spotted my dad in the car and said to my dad. See you at lunch on friday Howard. Dad had been selling paint to studios all over los Angeles since 1933.


I wish I was there! Everything looked so nice and clean. Of course, there was a war in Vietnam and all. People still played by the rules. I am Gen X, so I have some memories of the way things were. But LA was fun back then, not dangerous like it is now. I remember Los Angeles from the 1980's until the present day.


I was a teenager then and living in Newport Beach 🏖️. My brother is 4 years older than me and he had a ‘60 Mercury. We would cruise Van Nuys Boulevard or drive Sunset or Hollywood or Doheny and La Brea. Listening to KHJ and having a great time. Warm summer nights, a 15 cent Coke, a cool car to ride in….what else could have been better?
Long gone days that melted away far too quickly.


I think I caught a glimpse of One-Adam-Twelve in one of the opening street pans. Or maybe it was Car 54.
