DevSecOps Project: Deploying Starbucks Clone on AWS | Complete Hands-on Demo

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DevSecOps Project: Deploying Starbucks Clone on AWS | Complete Hands-on Demo | Step-by-Step Guide to Deploy Starbucks Clone Application on AWS with DevSecOps Approach

In this video, we'll take you through a complete hands-on demo of deploying a Starbucks clone on AWS using DevSecOps practices. You'll learn how to set up a secure and scalable infrastructure on AWS, implement CI/CD pipelines, and integrate security into the DevOps workflow. We cover everything from setting up the environment, automating the deployment process, securing the application, and monitoring its performance. This project is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their DevSecOps skills or seeking a practical guide to deploying real-world applications on AWS.

What You'll Learn:
* Setting up AWS infrastructure for a web application
* Implementing CI/CD pipelines with security checks
* Deploying and securing the application using DevSecOps best practices
* Monitoring and managing the deployed application

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Hey Monk! Your video was extremely beneficial for me; I learned a lot of new things, especially about DevSecOps practices. I just have one request: could you please make a video on setting up email notifications? That would be really helpful. Thanks again for the great content!


I just learned about the 'DevSecOps' project, and it’s amazing! I’m excited to try and implement this myself. I’d love to see more projects like this in the future 😀


Great job! I have completed the entire setup.


Definitely gonna try this and learn lot of new stuff


great project..explained nicely..please expand the project to include K8s, monitoring tools etc..
