Java Strings Tutorial | String Manipulation in Java | Java Tutorial For Beginners | Edureka

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This Edureka tutorial on “Java Strings” will talk about one of the most important classes of Java i.e String class. It will also talk about the various methods and interfaces implemented by the String class. Through this tutorial you will learn the following topics:
[0:48] Java Strings
[6:13] String Pool
[6:54] Creating a String
[11:00] String Methods


#Java #JavaString #JavaStringTutorial #LearnJava #JavaOnlineTraining #JavaProgramming


How it Works?

1. This is a 7 Week Instructor-led Online Course, 45 hours of assignment and 20 hours of project work

2. We have a 24x7 One-on-One LIVE Technical Support to help you with any problems you might face or any clarifications you may require during the course.

3. At the end of the training, you will be working on a real-time project for which we will provide you a Grade and a Verifiable Certificate!


About the Course

Edureka's Advanced Java J2EE and SOA training and certification course is designed for students and professionals who want to be a Java Developer. This is a 42-hour course which will cover both core and advanced Java concepts like Database connectivity, Threads, Exception Handling, Collections, JSP, Servlets, XML Handling etc. We will also learn various Java frameworks like Hibernate and Spring. During our Java/ Certification training, our instructors will help you:

1. Develop the code with various Java data types, conditions, and loops.
2. Implement arrays, functions and string handling techniques.
3. Understand object-oriented programming through Java using Classes, Objects and various Java concepts like Abstract, Final etc.
4. Implement multi-threading and exception handling.
5. Use parse XML files using DOM and SAX in Java.
6. Write a code in JDBC to communicate with the Database.
7. Develop web applications and JSP pages.
8. Interact with the database using hibernate framework.
9. Write code with spring framework components like Dependency Injection and Auto Wiring.
10. Implement SOA using web services.


Who should go for this course?

This course is designed for professionals aspiring to become Java Developers. Programmers, Web Developers, Web Designers, Programming Hobbyists, Database Administrators, Youngsters who want to kick-start their career are the key beneficiaries of this course.


Why learn Java?

Java is a general-purpose, class-based, object-oriented computer programming language that was designed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1995.

Key Highlights of Java:
Platform Independent: This allows programmers to develop applications that can run on any operating system.

Usability of Java: Java is most widely used programming language. It is present everywhere. It really doesn't matter which domain you are working in, you will surely come across Java sooner or later!

Open Source: The good news is that Java is available for free! All the development tools and the environment (JRE & JDK) that is used to develop Java applications are absolutely free of cost.

Android: Irrespective of the fact that you are tech savvy or not, most of us are badly bitten by the Android bug! Android is in great demand today and fortunately you need Java for Android development. Hence, the importance of Java has increased even more.

Hadoop: Hadoop is one of the most trending frameworks for processing Big Data. It has been designed and developed in Java.

In spite of having a tough competition on the server side from Microsoft and other companies, Java is doing extremely well on mobile platforms, thanks to Android! It has also been the primary language for Hadoop Developers.


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Please share it in the comment section below and our experts will answer it for you.

Рекомендации по теме

I really like the way that they don't have any ads in between the video to distract us 👍


Thanks I have my board exams the next day am watching your video now it is really helping clear concepts, thanks


Teaching style is very much brilliant and it's quality makes its brilliance very much high.


Quality Content you are providing guys, It helps me alot thankyou...!!


Very Clear and Detailed Explanation of Strings .. Thank You for clarifying many of my doubts in a Simple and Clear manner ..


ay thanks hmie the video helped me a lot


Thank you, that's a very helpful video. I'd like to know one thing please, what does "thread safe" mean in terms of StringBuffer and StringBuilder?


Thankyou so much for this amazing useful video !!


one of the best lecture i have watched yet!!! Thank you edureka...


Thank you so much l really understand it sir.


Amazing and useful tutorial, thank you so much


In the following example I am getting the output as "References are unequal' but i am expecting the output as "References are equal" since S3 and S4 are created using string class. Can anyone explain me this

String S1="Mary";
String S2="John";
String S3=S1+S2;
String S4=S1+S2;

if (S3==S4)
SOP("References are equal");
SOP("References are unequal");


Since stringbuilder is not threadsafe. then what is the need of stringbuilder ?. we can directly work with stringbuffer right.


Would be useful if u attach the source code as well


Thank you sir for detailed information 😊


Thanks for the video your videos always help me
Good work edureka👍👍


Why there is two way to create String
And in which case we can go for String literal and in which case we can go for using new operator to create String
