AVOID these 5 MISTAKES if you want a MASCULINE ENERGY man

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These 5 things have to be adressed since they come up in my questions so often. I am going to go through whether you should lend a man money, find him a job and what to look for when dating to avoid traps in destroying the masculine energy in a man.


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1. Don't find job for him. Make him take his own responsibility.
2. Don't loan him money.
3. Don't give him advice he didn't ask for.
4. Don't try to control him. Telling what he should do next isn't your job, pointing out what he's doing wrong
5. Don't make decisions for him: sit like an eagle, snatch his responsibility. Or he'll think you're enjoying doing that job.


If you're reading this I'm praying you receive the highest form of love. You deserve the best.💗🙏🏼


It's comforting to hear your words, Margarita! I moved in with my man and 4 months in he said the dreaded words "I am not sure about you." I didn't even question it or argue or cry. I said ok and I moved out as soon as I could. It's been a few months. Sometimes I question if I should have stayed to work on things, but no... I need a man who is sure about me and steadfast for me. I love hearing other strong women say the same. Thank you! <3 <3


As a man I 100% agree with all these points. It really comes down to this. Don't try to solve his problems for him. This is a reversal of the natural roles. The man feels valued and masculine when he is the one solving his own problems, and solving problems for the people he loves. If he is failing to step up to that role, then having the woman fill that role will not help him in any way. However, having the woman there to support him in his efforts to solve problems is wonderful. It may sound like a fine line to walk. Don't solve his problems, but support and encourage him when he is solving problems.


This was the old me! I cringe at the things I used to do for men - lending them money, finding them jobs. Ooof. Glad I’ve changed out of that way of living in relationships


It’s like Scarlet Johansson giving me advices 😂


That comment "when you're dragging him through life"... Gosh ladies please heed this advice. She's describing me of 17 years ago and here I am about to throw in the towel because I am exhausted of having been in my masculine all this time. Every thing she is saying is true. Go into relationships with discernment and critical thinking.


Margarita, you speak the truth! I have lived this. After almost 30 years of carrying the load, I finally divorced. Now, I have to build myself back up physically, emotionally and financially. You have mighty words of wisdom here!


I'm blessed to be realising that while dating a guy we shouldn't just be focused about- oh why he ain't texting me back? he's taking too long to text or he's not planning out dates & what does it mean?? But also to control our own traits like unnecessarily advising them, bossing around, treating him like a child. He's a grown up adult and not a 2 y/o kid to be taken care of. Don't give him girlfriend or wife treatment when they clearly are not willingly to become your boyfriend or husband !!!


you are like the best friend nobody has, that is telling the truth straight into your face for making you feel and be better.


Words of wisdom. Never loan money. I loaned money for a few months, I was sure he'd pay back. You couldn't convince me. He slept with a girl at work, still doesn't bother to pay it back almost 2 years on. Never loan money to somebody who hasn't shown you he can invest in you and your life together. I wanted to be a good person. I wanted to help when things were hard for him. I wanted to help when his father died. He paid me by having an affair, lying for months and the money is nowhere to be found.


This is wonderful advice coming from a man. My current girlfriend is the first girl who truly does this and respects my responsibilities and ability to do so. What is the best is that she supports me in anything I want to do as long as it’s healthy, but won’t tell me how to do it. It also makes me feel much more comfortable going to her when I do need her help with something, and she appreciates that occasional vulnerability


I'm a man and I endorse all you said. I experienced every mistake you described and... I'm married no more. Such behaviour literally castrates a man. In my case this was more complex but it's another story. The underline one is - let a man be a man. Underline two is - expect from your man be a man, . Thank you Margarita.


Spot on. An irresponsible man is sooo off putting. Watch carefully..when a problem or challenge comes up how he handles it. If he always says idk or not my problem...then everything will fall to you


I will never ever loan money to a man again who is not my husband. Totally got taken advantage of and exactly like you described, it felt like he was my child and it totally ruined our relationship.


I wish I had this advice 19 years ago! The hubby couldn't keep a job for more than a few months. Once I told him we were short $300 on our mortgage, his answer "what do you want me to do?", I lost all respect for him then and there. I asked him for a divorce in June 2019. He found a job in January 2020 and was able to keep it through the pandemic, he's been strong and thriving ever since. However, once respect is lost, it is really hard to be earned again. He lost a good woman, and the potential he's had, will be for some other woman to enjoy. It's really a shame.


This should be mandatory viewing before dating any guy. Just a great refresher of dos and don’ts


In the sea of toxic dating advices online, It is so refreshing to find someone who gives mature advice and doesn’t view relationships as transactional. I love watching your videos for guidance 💕


This does make more sense now. I've started dating a quietly confident but REAL man, who appreciates me and likes to do things for people. His actions match his words so it will be interesting to see what happens ...


Big problem i see is men will not invest in you if u make more than him. I've lived it and other guys i make more they will not invest. Women need that investment to be safe and secure.
