Employment Law: Fired For Being Sick #california #workersrights

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About D.LAW
D.Law (formerly Davtyan Law Firm) is a California-based employment law firm passionately advocating for workers' rights. With offices across the state, we represent employees in all industries against large corporations to small companies.

✅ Wrongful Termination
✅ Wage & Hour Issues
✅ Harassment
✅ Discrimination
✅ Retaliation

#workersrights #californiaworkers #californialaw #pay #california #employmentlaw #lawyersofyoutube #workersrights #workplaceretaliation #workplace
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Corporations dont care about you. Period. Why care about them?


"And that's why I stabbed my former boss your honor"


This happened to my dad. He worked for the company for 15+ years and he broke a tendon and had to have surgery. The company said he could have a month off but the doctor said he couldn’t go back to operating machinery till at least 3 months. He told his company that and they fired him that day.


Next time an employer calls you “part of a family”. Run for the hills. They want to trick you to think you have some sort of loyalty and devotion to a company while sacrificing your time and well being.


It may not save me from termination, but just because its legal to do so also won't save them from a wrongful termination lawsuit.


Important note that it’s discrimination to fire someone with a disability for taking an absence for that disability. We had someone take a year for a seizure disorder then come back with no repercussion.


My mom was fired from Sally's when she was DYING IN THE HOSPITAL. She couldn't call in, and dad didnt even think to call her in, he was naturally worried for her health. And when presented with evidence why she was out, he wouldnt even give her her job back. She's okay now but damn that was COLD.


It should be fully illegal to fire anyone while they are actually sick.


During 2020 I had a stroke and heart attack... I barely survived... was in ICU FOR 5 DAYS... tried to go back to my job and I had been fired for "no call no show" even with documentation from the hospital... they then blacklisted me as I had previously had an injury on the job that required some work comp from 6 months earlier.


Fuck My Life is Awful


So remember kids, go to work sick and spread the joy.


I work at Dollar General as an assistant manager. This happened originally when I got hired on as an assistant manager. I had stepped down and retake in the position at the beginning of this year in February for the pay of $16. But until March 16 I was paid 14. The first time they paid me my backpay on that missing two. Now this time they’re saying they’re not gonna pay me. My district manager told me because I signed the paper, approving my raise. I gave up my right to that previous two dollars on that whole time I was working as an assistant manager.. and by the way, my title in the computer system said assistant manager


Always contact your employer and keep a record of it. Preferably use email, and follow up by email after any phone conversation. You don't have to disclose your medical issue, but you do need to tell your employer your expected date to return to work. You also need to follow any policies regarding use of paid or unpaid leave, FMLA, etc.


had one employer who did this tactic, and many more. i only stuck around for two months before landing another job and abruptly not showing up anymore. when he angrily called i told him "if you refuse to treat your employees with respect and give them the time they need for illness and injury, than i have no reason to give you any time to find a replacement." i hung up and blocked him for a few weeks.


"most advanced and free country" in the world everyone, you are the best at being free from common sense and care as humans


I got fired for my hand getting bit by a dog still coming into work got sent home and was told "oh well because you didn't call in everyday to tell us your condition we are letting you go" MY HAND WAS WRAPPED UP IN GAUZE AND BANDAGES YOURE FUCKING LUCKY TO HAVE AN EMPLOYEE THAT WOULD STILL COME IN


this happened to my friends sister when she was on FMLA, and she ended up winning a lawsuit for like 1.6 million.

And when the suit first went to court they tried to offer her her job back because the person who replaced her got a better offer and stopped showing up.


I worked at a grocery store and was sick for 1 week with the flu I came back for about a week until i got RSV so i was out again for another week and when i came back after that week with a doctor's note they said it was too late for a doctor's note and fired me, i heard later they refused to give anyone my full time position.


I got sick, lost twelve pound in three days. Called in all three . The owner got on the phone and fired me. When the economy took a dump, he had to close it. Had to sell everything dirt cheap. Karma. 😂😂😂😂


Ah America....your "at will" laws really should getting at your politicians.
