The life of Geri Rosenthal, one of Las Vegas's most notorious mob wives, recounted in new book

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In Hollywood's mobster films, men typically take center stage, while women are often relegated to supporting roles or mere accessories. However, the real-life history of Las Vegas reveals that mob wives and girlfriends were integral players in criminal operations.
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Now that's reporting!!!! Maaaan, I miss those days! Reporters like George are true gifts to the public; historian of "GIANT" proportions.

George "is" an ICON! How lucky we are...😊


George Knapp is a national treasure. Still covering the most fascinating stories as a top notch journalist.


He wouldn't say anything bad about his wife because of they have children together...His torch is for his kids..


According to Michael Franzese, cheating with an associate's wife was grounds for you to be "disappeared". No one could save you.


Frank Rosenthal was a very classy man. The way he spoke about his deceased ex-, wife was so respectful and classy. I mean, I didn't see a man who was "still smitten" like the reporters said, but rather a father who didn't want to talk bad about the mother of his 2 children on national television and I respect the hell out of him for that.


Rosenthal's comments at the end about his wife...was...


This was such a well done piece! Shout out to whoever edited it 🏆


Mr. Knapp, such a loyal newscaster. He could retire now and globetrot…even galaxytrot with other-worldly beings but instead he remains anchored to the station he’s worked for since decades past. Salute to you, Sir.


"It would be in poor taste to bad mouth their mother." Folks, this is what we call a Man.


Rosenthal was a very interesting and compelling mob figure. He wasn’t made, could never be made because he was Jewish but he knew the ins and outs of gambling and how to run a booking operation so it was natural that the Chicago Mob would use him to run the casinos. He ran a very tight ship and he was a massive earner for the mob which is better than being made but he was an employee of the mafia. The Chicago mob gave him the opportunity to run these casinos but it brought down heat from the feds and disqualified him from ever getting a casino license. I think he became an FBI informant because it gave him a certain amount of immunity from the crimes being committed and also he hoped that cooperation with the FBI might help him get his coveted Casino license. Rosenthal by 1976 or 77 didn’t need the mob anymore, he could’ve succeeded with a legitimate casino business. The mob probably undercut Lefty financially knowing that Lefty would never be able to get his coveted Casino license which would unlock the door to multi million dollar career opportunities in the business. Lefty was Chicagos guy but KC and Milwaukee didn’t trust him and didn’t like him and they too owned a piece of Argent corporation. It was Milwaukee Phil whom ordered the car bombing of Lefty. As for Geri cheating with Tony, Lefty knew to suck it up and not make a stink. I think Tony knew that Lefty knew about the affair and it was about Tony sticking it to Lefty because of petty jealousy. Aside from the prospect of Lefty making a stink about the affair which he was wise enough not to do, Tony didn’t have a reason to try to kill Lefty and would not have used a car bomb. How much damage did Lefty do as an FBI informant? He was never indicted nor called to testify in any operation Strawman trials. One thing that the mob tried to do was keep Lefty’s nose clean and not get him involved in the dirty work but I’m sure if he had a problem, they’d take care of it for him so there probably wasn’t much to charge Lefty with anyway


The crazy thing is she actually looked like sharon stone and spilotro looked like joe pesci


“For me to speak about the mother of my children would be in bad taste.”

I put quotation marks but it might not be exact.

Even if he isn’t smitten as the tv people say, he was respectful to the mother of his children and I think that’s a good thing.


To this day, there is the same number of blueberries in every muffin!


I moved to LV in the 80s and miss seeing all the great reporters we had then. George Knapp, Gwen Castaldi, Trace Gallagher, Ned Day etc. Straight up reporting and they checked facts. A lost art today.


Thanks George. Great job, as always. 😁👍🏼


The mob and all their activities are abhorrent but the comment (5:32) that Lefty Rosenthal made about his wife & friend and the reason he won't bash them was certainly taking the high road. More divorced parents should consider their kids when speaking of their exes. One of the few good decisions he made in his life!


As a long time Las Vegas resident, I remember Knapp before the gray hair. The one thing I miss today is free parking at the Casinos, my wife, and I loved going on the strip but haven't in a looong time because now we gotta pay. Las Vegas has turned their back on locals that's too bad 😢
Miss Gary Wadell RIP, an Paula Francis, gosh we loved those days.


Vegas was better when the mob ran it at least for the average gambler. They took their cut but the comps and value was much better for people. It was classier back then too and the mob didn't tolerate people acting like lowlifes at their casino's either.


Great story, but regardless Vegas was a far better town in the 70s, before it became “family friendly”.


Rosenthal went to Florida owned a bar called Crocs.
