Check your subwoofer. Ultra low-frequency sweep sound 20Hz - 80Hz (log scale)

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1 minute short and simple audio test. Low frequency sound to test the bass/subwoofer.

- Sine Waveform
- Level: -3dB
- Range: 20 - 80 Hertz (log scale)

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#bass #subwoofer #frequency
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This is NOT a sub-woofer test. This is a speaker low-frequency test. This test will not, and does not work with sub-woofer. Sub-woofers in virtually every modern audio system has its own channel. It's the ".1" in a "5.1" or "7.1" system. This audio is NOT sent to the sub-woofer .1 channel and does not test, nor work with sub-woofers as typically employed.
