Marianne Williamson reacts to RFK Jr. speech | August 23, 2024

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Marianne Williamson reacts to RFK Jr. speech | August 23, 2024
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You agree with Bobby. He told you Kamala would have no part in him or his policies. So you will vote for her? That’s some amazing critical thinking…….


Remember Harris turned him down flat wouldn't even talk to him. He reached out to both sides.


CNN cut away from RFK’s speech once he started bashing the media and Kamala.


RFKs speech was one of the greatest political speeches of all time. The media have ignored it of course but the people are now becoming aware of RFKs strengths and the media duplicity.


The fact that Bobby is being well-received in the Republican fold is astounding. Whoever could have imagined that his message a few years ago would resonate there and be shunned like a leper by the Democratic so-called liberals. We should give thanks that there is a new light awakening on the republican front and we have a champion like Bobby to bring truth to power.


Trump will have to pull the plug on the swamp because RFK, Jr. just pissed in it.
This was the greatest, most strategic speech that I have ever heard. I'm still basking in the MSM meltdown.


For godsake, we all just got lectured to by a billionaire black woman about her struggles. Maybe RFK is trying to tell you something.


Did these people who are outraged, even listen to what RFKJr said, he was very clear and truthful


Hold on Marianne, sitting there saying "I don't know if Trump will stick to his word" to let Bobby have a platform to politically run on, it's 1000x's better than the absolute "NO" he IS getting from his own political party is it not?


The path Bobby has chosen is the best chance we have at seeing these issues addressed


i think youre wrong dear. I hope Trump sourrounds himself with strong skills and export knowledge to fix America. Lord only knows the FDA and Big Pharma need fixing. And Americans need to come together on these issues that affect everyone.


I believe that Robert F Kennedy Jr. is perceptive enough and intelligent enough to know when he is being "played" at this point in his life. I respect his judgment and his courageous, thoughtful, prayerful decision. Thank you, Bobby, for practicing what you preach. Donald Trump is created from the same source that all of us are. He is capable of evolving and growing...a human being with Shadow and Light just like every single one of us.


Many of us RFK, Jr. supporters have the same concerns about whether or not Trump will come through but don't forget, Bobby has been through this with Trump before so he's not naive. Bobby is also a brilliant lawyer who knows his way around the political system. He has a passion and a mission and he has said that he will talk with anyone to get things done. He made the offer to Harris who refused to even talk with him. He had more than one long conversation with Trump, which apparently included Trump's sons and a few other people. This certainly isn't my first choice but why would anyone even consider voting for Harris after seeing how corrupt the DNC is and how they've lied, cheated, defamed, and sued Bobby out of the race? I trust Bobby to know what he's doing, even if it might not be obvious to everyone right now.


Miss Williamson you don't seem to realize the danger that this country is in.


The difference between Clinton/Reich and Trump/Kennedy is that Clinton was a consummate insider who never had any desire to blow up the system. Trump, on the other hand, is an outsider who hates the political establishment and is in genuine agreement with RFK Jr. about many key issues, including their view of America's endless wars, about free speech issues and about political corruption. And Vance also cares about those same priorities. That's why it makes total sense for RFK Jr. to ally himself with Trump.


It's so incredibly weird and yet revelatory, that Bobby Kennedy is seemingly more spiritual and wise when it comes to political awareness and integrity than Marianne Williamson. Never would have expected this, but, on the bright side, "we re all human", including Marianne, and she, you, dear Marianne, obviously got to wake up concerning Harris and the democratic party.


How can the "threat" of something be MORE dangerous than the ones that are actually DOING the things, as we speak?
Makes no sense.


Loved his speech. Glad he has joined forces with Trump. Glad RFK is here to save our children. 🙏🌻💕


I'm also a supporter of JFK Jr. but if you vote for Kamala Harris there is zero possibility they will deal with some of the issues RFK Jr. has raised. On the contrary they will make matters worse. The democrat establishment hate RFK Jr. and everything he stands for. That's why RFK Jr. endorses Trump. There is no guarantee that Trump will address these issues but at least there is a possibility and RFK Jr. knows that. Voting for Harris is the worst possible option. Don't come complaining afterwards.


The one thing you miss, dear Ms. Williamson (one of my favorite speakers and writers), is that RFK knows what he’s getting into, and ultimately he may not be permitted to fix these issues, BUT HE MAY! And he now sees no other way, no other path forward, to help end the food and medical industries’ corruption and lies that are literally killing people with passionate GREED!
