Embryo Transfer: Fresh vs Frozen? Protocols?

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Double board certified fertility doctor Natalie Crawford Md discusses the embryo transfer. The embryo transfer is the step of IVF where the embryo is placed into the body for implantation. IVF is in vitro fertilization. During this process we stimulate multiple eggs to grow in the body with hormone shots. This process takes around 2 weeks and includes frequent visits for ultrasound monitoring and blood work. Once the eggs reach the mature size, a procedure is performed under anesthesia in which the eggs are extracted from the body in a needle aspiration procedure. The eggs are then combined with sperm in the lab to allow for fertilization. The eggs that are fertilized become embryos and these embryos then grow in culture in the lab for the next 5-6 days to reach the normal implantation stage of the embryo, called a blastocyst. At the blastocyst stage - embryos can be transferred into the body, frozen, or biopsied for genetic testing.

Answered in this video:
What is the embryo transfer?
What is the difference in a fresh vs frozen transfer?
What are risks with an embryo transfer?
Who should have a fresh transfer?
What is a frozen embryo transfer?
What are the embryo transfer protocols?
What is a medicated or controlled embryo transfer?
What is a natural or modified natural cycle?
What transfer protocol is the best?
How many embryos should I transfer with IVF?
What type of progesterone should be used I an embryo transfer cycle?

This is medical education and not medical advice. Please ask your doctor your own medical questions.

Progesterone in controlled cycles:
Fertility doctor, Natalie Crawford, MD is a double board certified OBGYN and REI, and co-founder of Fora Fertility, a boutique fertility practice in Austin, Texas.


715 W 34th Street, Austin, TX 78705

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Sharing fertility facts to educate women about trying to conceive, getting pregnant, ovulation, fertility treatments, IUI, IVF, becoming a doctor, life as a woman in medicine, and more.
Рекомендации по теме

I had my fresh embryo transfer 2 weeks ago & just got the positive pregnancy test! My Doctor prefers fresh over frozen 😀


Very good information my daughter is going through fresh trransfer in Uk she is 45 years old


My frozen transfer is on October 30th 🙏🏻💙 thanks for all the useful information


Thank you so much for the explanation! Im going trough IVf now and have ovarian hyper simulation which makes me sick. I was in question whether to choose a fresh transfer vs frozen. But now I’m clear and frozen is my way to go. Thank you again!


This was so helpful! Feeling so much more equipped to start injections next week thanks to your channel 🥰


This was the best explanation ever! Thank you so much I’m going to have a frozen transfer next month.


This was exactly the information I needed! Hoping for a frozen embryo transfer next month.


So much good information delivered super well. Thank you Natalie!


Could you please do an in-depth video like this for IUI? There are so many protocols and processes for IUI, it's very confusing.


I would like to know what I can do to prepare my uterus. Any vitamins or other supplements that I can take, other than the hormones given by the doctor? For how long to take them and when to start? Anything else to think about before and after to be able to prepare my body to improve implantation?

Thanks for a great YT channel and as always super good and informative videos ❤️


I was supposed to have my embryo transfer last Sunday and when I went in, I was told all 8 of our embryos had died. It was so devastating 😢 💔


tysm for taking the time and going in depth! the best video ever seen !


Thank you so much for the information.


I have my first FET one week from today!


Thank you for sharing Dr Natalie! Would you recommend estrogen supplementation (in addition to progesterone) for fresh transfer? Progesterone supplementation in fresh cycles - do you recommend PV vs IM injections? After egg retrieval do the deflated follicles still turn into corpus luteums and secrete progesterone/estradiol?


Any suggestions on additional testing I should get. I've done all genetic, RPL, laporscopy and hysteroscopy. I've had 1 successful fresh transfer which ended in miscarriage. 3 frozen all failed to implant.


Just had FET last Friday morning 2 embryos hcg test next Tuesday. Should I feel different?


I'm learning so much. Thanks Dr.
My Dr suggested a fresh embryo as I have low amh of 0.13. We tried growing my eggs, but it didn't work. The 1 egg did not fertilize.

I then decided to go for egg donor seeing as I didn't want to keep trying getting eggs and spending so much money.

Was this the best decision from my end?


What if my doctor did a fresh embryo transfer and my estrogen level after one week came back 43? Is it likely I’m not going to get pregnant?


My husband is having an MTese procedure and his urologist wants to do a fresh transfer. Could you do a video on the process when the sperm may not be able to be frozen and how it works when it is done this way? Are we going to be able to test the embryos?
