The Real Truth About Loser/Winner Queue

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The Real Truth About Loser/Winne Queue

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#challenger #leagueoflegends #azzapp
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I love Azzapp hes just the personification of velkoz. Too smart for these other vertebrates in the rift.


Thank you for speaking out on this! It is a nice change of pace.

This only mirrors a bigger problem, not just in the League of Legends community.

People are so distracted these days to the point where they become gullible to believe whatever's being shoved in their face, as long as it sounds pleasing to their ego. Therefore, they don't even bother standing up against lies when they feel so secure in their own delusion. The majority are just looking to take the easiest way out to avoid the problems in their way, some even resorting to sacrifice their own dignity or worse to achieve that.

Sadly, such mentality is what media promotes, everybody wanting to have it easy and comfortable.
Humility, sacrifice, patience, gratitude and so on... such traits are reaching scarcity.
For the past years, I personally think we've been going down the hill at an alarming rate. Feels like the world's been turning upside down and it seems as if we've almost reached a point of no return.


Loser's queue is real. My friend and I will be playing double up tft, get to gold, and then start losing every game...


Now i know the truth. Azzapp is a Riot games plant, put here to make everyone believe losers queue isn't real.


nisam te gledao jedno 3 godine, sada sam se setio tebe i pocinjem opet aktivno da te pratim i drago mi je sto si i dalje tu, ily❤


Every single tencent game has some form of engagement based matchmaking. League is the only one it isn't confirmed in.

To think that there is absolute no matchmaking manipulation to optimize for engagement(their most important metric) would be silly.

There's no downside and only upside to say "this person is more likely to play 3-4 more games if they lose this game. Let's enforce a loss for them this game."


Riot can easily debunk it by revealing how they code their matchmaking, but they will never do it


losers queue is definitely real. A study got leaked from EA i believe where they found player retention was noticeably higher if they didnt give players perfectly 50/50 games. By putting people on winning streaks and losing streaks, people were more likely to continue playing. This is what winners and losers queue is.


I agree with most of what you said, but the part about winning 50% of your games means it's working isn't correct in this context. If things are well balanced, you'll happen to win about 50% of the time, but if that 50% is bouncing back and forth between stomping the enemy and being stomped by the enemy team and it feels like one team or the other is intentionally given one or two griefer/garbage players that will make the game lopsided, it feels like the matchmaking is fixing an outcome and griefing the players. I think the highly complicated nature of the game also makes performance way more variable than other games, so people will by chance due to the composition of the teams do really well in some games and quite poorly in others, not just because of the champion mixture, but also because of the different skills and strategies used in the game. Depending on what people do and the champions, different games will demand different knowledge and skills to play effectively.

You can play 1000 games of League and never have paired up with a specific champion before and then they may expect you to know how their champion works and get tilted when you don't. This type of thing doesn't happen with shooter games. Sometimes they'll be nice and will tell you that you need to click on the lantern and let you see what it does, other times a Kalista will just try to fling you into the enemy and abandon you when you don't use it right even if they didn't even try to explain it first and knew you didn't know about their champion.

Then you also have the issue of smurfs, like when some Iron IV is playing unusually well for their rank. Will they move up in rank fast if they keep trying to win as a smurf, yes, but if they're intentionally losing games or if people just persistently engage in smurfing, that adds up to a lot of ruined games and sometimes you get unlucky enough to get several of them in a short time span. Also they pair together people that may be two tiers apart at times, which with how the game works, tends to make for a less pleasant experience as it makes it much easier for one person to snowball the game and have a disproportionate impact on the game. When you have some fed Irelia one-shotting the entire enemy team, the game is generally pretty over and not fun and skill expression from anyone else tends to stop mattering. Most team multiplayer games don't have this huge power skewing nature. In a shooter game, if the rest of your team dies and it's 5+ people against 1 and you're better than all of them, you can still win potentially, but League generally doesn't work like that.


I feel like loser's q is a mindset. It's not the game or the matchmaking, it's how you personally react to it. Once you start negatively reacting to something, it's hard to swing back the other way.

Also those 1/2^x odds only apply if you only play exactly x games. If you play 100 games with roughly a 50% win rate, you're gonna eventually lose several games in a row, even up to 5. Even up to 8!


"The Hot Hand Fallacy" is what you were looking for at 6:50. The assumption that if you have won 5+ games that you will definitely win the next.


Logically speaking, every game has 10 in which 5 win and 5 lose always. The likely hood that you get all the same players from your last game and lose again is nearly 0, which is due to multiple factors such as different champions, players stop playing, players get different roles, etc. The reality is you can't win every game in a 5v5 game, you just have to perform consistently and you will win more than 50% (not significantly over but enough to rank up). People who say it exists are the ones who expect every game to be a victory mostly and/or are projecting their poor performance on their teammates simply being slighty underperforming or not even carrying compared to enemy team.
There is just no such thing as losers queue, you wr cannot be any higher or lower significantly than 50% (over 100 games) because you are not the center of the world or the main character. Now, sometimes you get teammates that troll (lock their non primary champ with negative wr into otp positive wr and lose) but honestly you can't control what the 4 strangers you get matched with choose or do in your game.
I may joke about losers queue, but it is just foolish and not logical to believe it exists.


There ACTUALLY is a toxic Q tho.When you are chat banned, your teammates are all also chatbanned, or are about to, or just got out of it and are in a test period to see if they will get chat banned again or not. That can snowball a toxic person a lot, since it only gets worse.


About that pattern recognition: I've heard that there's a Corona breakout every time many people report scented candles from Yankee Candle Company losing their smell.
It's directly correlated and somehow candles losing their smell causes Corona outbreaks.


Me... Just playing causally and don't bother to climb... I'm fine where my rank is lmao it's bothersome to reach the top... I play for fun

My winrate is above 60%

Plus when I know I am in losers queue I just change game mode and let the losers queue happen there so my rank wouldn't be affected


The argument of tilting falls completely apart when the losing streak is going on because you can see teammates consistently feed, not the player in question.


LoserQ can't hurt you, loserQ isn't real.


Losers q is a product of playerbase addiction and lack of will to stop rage queing and come grind again when their mental power is rejuiced


This guy never played a game of League I guess. If he cannot see how hard it is when every game you get trolls and afks and you cannot do anything about it except ff. No matter how good you play if enemy have 0 deaths and a lot of kills you will not win. And yes it happens every game after a certain milestone.


i mean to be fair Tyler1 is responsible for about 75% of this communities toxic shit. He literally invented "JG/mid/top... diff". He literally complains about things in the game 24/7 and types things like losers Q and he doesn't realize he is literally subconsciously teaching people how to act. If you watch him enough you are going to pick up on his language and mannerisms. Its like getting into a relationship. After a while you start repeating whwatever your spouse does even like little phrases and shit like that. Honestly he is A HUGE reason why league is so toxic IMO. Even though he doesn't INT its just the typing and people giving up when game is completely winnable.
