Rap do Nagato (Naruto) - MINHA DOR | 7 Minutoz ft. FabvL [with subtitles]

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Two moments define my pain
And the first one began
In one of the biggest conflicts on this earth
It was when the Rain Village became a war field

Ninjas invaded our home
To steal our supplies
Dad, what are we gonna do? I'm scared
I made just one mistake
I hear the glass break
It was my fault they found us

My father decides to fight
To try and protect us
I hear my mother beg
Asking me to run
Wars are too cruel
Lightning lights up the headband
And reveals that ninjas of Konoha
Took my parents' lives

I don't know what to do
I have nothing to eat
I feel my sight dimming
I think I'm going to die

A dog finds me
I'll call him Chibi
Now he's my only friend
I thank you
If you hadn't woken me up
I would have died

I knock from door to door
To try and find food
But the answer we always hear is
I've got nothing to give you
Go look somewhere else

Tears in the rain
I'll never forget the pain of that moment
Because the pain turned to hate

I'll make you feel my pain
I'll make you feel my pain
Burn it all into the ground
When we make that siren sound

I'll make you feel my pain
I'll make you feel my pain
When it all falls down
I'll burn your crowns
And the world will know my
The world will know my pain

On the brink of death I made two new friends
They're also war orphans
Konan and Yahiko

We'll never go hungry again
If we have no choice, we steal to eat
Because pretty words
Won't make us survive

On a battlefield
A kunai explodes
Right where we passed
And the explosion hit my dog
Yahiko, what do I do?
He's not breathing

How many times do I have to bury those I love?
The more wars, the more people crying
Yahiko promised that if the war doesn't end
He'll become a god
And this dream of yours
Is now mine too

We founded Akatsuki
Its goal is to change the world
A revolution without the use of force
But one day I was forced to make a choice

Hanzo of the Rain Village set a trap
And told me: Choose
Either you kill your leader
Or the girl dies

A thousand thoughts in my head
And in my hand the kunai
At a time like this, what do you do?
It hurts just thinking about it
Everything I had to see
Yahiko decided to sacrifice himself
So that I wouldn't have to choose

In my arms, I watch my best friend die
And he told me that Konan and I have to survive
That was the day the love ended
And I decided that the world would know my pain

I'll make you feel my pain
I'll make you feel my pain
Burn it all into the ground
When we make that siren sound

I'll make you feel my pain
I'll make you feel my pain
When it all falls down
I'll burn your crowns
And the world will know my
The world will know my pain

I believed that true peace
Would never exist
In a world as cursed
As this one

But even after
Everything I've done
Naruto told me that
He could understand why I thought that way

I remembered my old Sensei
And something I said
When I was just a child
I still don't know how to have peace
But this curse, one day I'll break it
If there is no peace
Then I'll create it!

I find out that my master's book
Was inspired by my words
Naruto decides to spare my life
To follow Jiraiya's teachings

He says he fights for a better world
And that he will never be corrupted
I will believe in you
I'll use what's left of my power
So that I can undo what I've done
And revive everyone

It's too late for me to ask for forgiveness
But I believe in you, Naruto
I know it's you who will bring true peace!


awesome job! If you don’t mind me asking, if you had to choose your 5 or 10 favorite 7 Minutoz songs what do you think they would be?
