How to Find and Repair Exhaust Leaks EASY (Without a Welder)

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Learn how to find exhaust leaks in your car or truck and then repair them without a welder using some common, inexpensive exhaust sealer products. To repair the exhaust leak you can use an exhaust putty, tape, or clamp.

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Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. ChrisFix assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. ChrisFix recommends safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not ChrisFix.
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I will be at POCONO SPEEDWAY this weekend Aug 4th and 5th for some drifting so come by and say hello and maybe even come for a ride along!!!
I worked hard to make this fix as simple and cheap as possible so anyone can do this at home! If I can cut a hole in my exhaust the size of a playing card, you can fix your small leak!

Here is what I used:


He cut a hole in his truck just to teach us something, what a legend!

This man cuts his own exhaust just to show us how to fix leaks. What a guy.


Chris won our heart when he cut open his own truck exhaust just for us.


No long intervals, no music, no cursing, no small irrelevant talk . Chris should get an Oscar award or whatever the equivalent is.


Chris has saved me so much money it's not even funny. I got my truck quoted for upper and lower ball joints, brakes, a new water pump, and front wheel bearings, the shop quoted me roughly 3300 dollars and I was able to source parts and do it myself for less than $700. So unbelievably grateful that my 13 year old curious self brought me to his videos and started getting interested in cars. Thank you so so much for everything you've done Chris! keep being amazing bro


i can barely fit a socket wrench in some of these places and chris gets his whole camera and lighting setup in there lmao


This man really just cut a hole in his exhaust of his perfectly fine, running truck to show us a few methods that work. What a man.


You are 'The MAN'. I am a 70 yr old gran Mom and my gran son has a 2010 Toyota Camry that sounds like a granny is about to show him how to do things by himself!!! Great video!!!


The dude literally broke his exhaust just to fix it. This is a guy I can trust


That JB weld extreme heat saved my ass a week ago. I bought a car Brooklyn and I need to drive in 20 miles north to my job to work on it but i hadn't registered the car yet and i need to get to work on it asap. The car had a huge crack in the headers so i put that stuff on and left it overnight. Came back the next day it and it works perfectly so slapped on some plates i had, my photoshopped registration and inspection and drove that across the Brooklyn Bridge, up the FDR, thru the Bronx, and up into Connecticut. If that stuff failed then my ass would be in jail now. Now I recommend that stuff to everybody!!


Got to tell you, man. I’ve been a driveway mechanic and builder of racing cars for over 40 years. Your videos are well done, well thought out, produce quality results for those who follow them, and bring out some innovations to boot. Using the vacuum cleaner/blower trick is genius!


I feel like you're my mechanic. I've never been so obsessed with a channel before! Your editing, explanations, information, and everything is fantastic. You do an AMAZING job and I hope you are proud of yourself and your work!


My man literally cut a hole on his own exhaust just to show us. What a legend! 🤩


*This couldnt have came at a better time as I have an exhaust leak on my Audi A4 .... thanks a ton for uploading this!*


Can't believe you did it to your truck just to show that the two methods work... Can't think of another genuine YouTuber (besides you)who really radiates dedication and and is as sincere as you. U deserve every bit of the success you've had since starting the channel and more. For real I don't know you but I can say I'm proud to know someone like you lmao


Just found this video. Saved me going into shop to get a clamp tightened. Probably would have been $200 just for that. 😅. vacuum trick is awesome!!!! Found a two leaks tightened one and added putty in other. Chris you saved me money!!!! Have a blessed life. Big Thanks!!!


man with videos like that there's no surprise that you have 3.7M subscribers KEEP IT UP CHRIS !


Dat under the car shot tho.... Good job Chris! New video looks amazing. You improve the production value with every video. Love your work.


The madman did it! He cut a hole in his own exhaust for us! What a guy!
