Off-Grid Cabin Tour! | Step Inside Our Off Grid (Dry) Cabin!

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Welcome back to the channel! Today we'll take you on a tour of our off-grid cabin and answer some of the questions we've been asked.

In this video, we'll start by touring outside the cabin and giving you an idea of what the property looks like outdoors. Once we're done outside, we'll head inside and go through the cabin room by room. We'll explain the recent changes and upgrades and show you everything, right down to the outhouse!

While we don't live at the cabin, we do spend a lot of time up here. We use this cabin for hunting, splitting firewood, making maple syrup, relaxing, and much more.

Our long-term plan is to end up in a tiny off-grid cabin in the woods. Stay tuned to watch our journey to get there.

We hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching!

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Using the porch around 3 sides of your house is extremely smart. Almost all other off-girders have a woodshed that are various distances from their cabin, IMO, this is not very smart. But you "nailed" it with the location of your wood. Needless-to-say, you derive many benefits from the location


I had a 20x24 cabin at 9800ft on Pikes Peak in Colorado for 13 years. I started with a wood stove but quickly figured out getting up at 3am to add wood was going to be a pain. I replaced it with a propane stove that had a thermostat, a 100lb propane tank would last 11 days in the dead of winter that propane tank also heated a normal 40gal hot water heater, propane dryer and cooktop. I had 2500 gals of cistern water and used a simple sump pump to pump water to the shower, sink and toilet. I had a 4500watt inverter and small battery bank like you with a backup generator if the batteries ran out too fast. Love your place, enjoy the simple life while you can.


On of my best childhood memories is stacking the wood around my grandparents wrap around porch. At a young age i was the expert on creating the strong end and corner columns of stacked wood.


I watch a ton of YouTube channels...not once have I ever seen anyone thank their subscribers for their concern! Such a refreshing "old school" type of attitude to see! Quyana (Alaskan Yupik "eskimo" for thank you!) Glad to see people out there STILL have that old school respect! Nowadays, all I hear is "for all the haters out there...blah blah blah" 🥴 keep up the great work you do! Would be fun to see more planting, caring for and harvesting of your garden, along with canning what you grow!


Just remember you do and say what you want when doing your video. Some people find the littlest things to complain about. They need to be thankful for health and happiness. Not so judgemental. Were all a work in progress. Just be happy people. Love your cabin.


Cozy cabin off the grid! What a wonderful way to create family memories!


I love how you already have your wood cut before the bad weather hits unlike most others thats out chopping wood in 4 feet of snow.


My grandparents were off grid. Outhouse. Coal stove, coal oil lights. In the late 60s an indoor bathroom and water at the sink were added after my grandfather passed. They were born in the 1880s.


You may be able to find those holiday popcorn tins on clearance right now, eat the popcorn, keep the tins to store food without worrying about the mice! The smaller cookie tins work too but the popcorn ones give you more room!


This was an excellent tour! Thank you very much! Might I suggest one of those -- I don't know what you call it -- but you could screw a handheld shower nozzle onto the spigot in the shower to control the water by hand. This would be more water efficient for a military-type shower. I'm sure you all have considered that. I'm just throwing it out there. Lastly, I bet you all have a marvelous time and are making lifetime memories when you go to the cabin!


I could just imagine all the precious memories you’re gonna have make sure you record it so you could remember everything you did, and do it for your children so your children could have precious memories in the future too


Amazing set up!! It always makes me laugh reading what the internet "experts" say. I bet 90% of them cant handle a weekend camping trip. Keep doing what your doing!!


With your gas mantle lights you can use hairspray once lamp is cool. This makes the mantles way less fragile. When relit the hairspray burns off immediately and appears to leave no residue, Lindsay, New Zealand


Looks so cozy! I'm happy to hear solar panels charge that quickly, and you make your own maple syrup!


Please make sure you stay safe there. I’m confident that you take the proper precautions by watching this video. As a fire fighter and fire inspector, that cabin scares the absolute crap out of me. Smoke and CO detectors, especially now with the propane stove.


Living Different, doesn't mean living wrong. We live very similar, here in the mountains of SW Colorado. Thanks for the tour and enjoy the winter!


You guys should do a gravity fed water system. If you have a high enough point for your tank it’s really easy and makes life a lot more bearable. Unless you like a dry cabin in which case I’ll shut my big mouth and enjoy the show.


Omgosh...this gal is so nice about the continued negative commentary.❤ I enjoyed this immensely. Your set up is awesome and obviously it's evolving.


Love the wood pile now that looks like a winter store


Iove the "I realize that we're not up to code as to the woodstove "
You're off grid & just need to be prudent & safe
