Is it illegal to carry a large amount of cash? A $100k cash seizure by Dallas police sparks debate.

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On its Facebook, it's a photo that isn't unusual for the Dallas Police Department to take.

Earlier this week, the department released a picture of one of its K-9 officers, "Ballentine" posing alongside $106,829 in cash seized from a checked bag at Dallas Love Field Airport.

"We need to get him some treats! K-9 Officer Ballentine does it again! On 12/2/21, the Lovefield Interdiction Squad seized over $100,000 with the help of Ballentine. Good job, Ballentine!" the caption read.

The bottom line? That kind of cash in a suitcase is incredibly fishy, but there's no law saying you can't travel with that much money.

Texas' civil asset forfeiture laws allowed officers to seize the money, and those laws are pretty hospitable to law enforcement agencies.

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I have a feeling that one day the police would stand outside of banks waiting for people to withdraw money and come out so they can call it illegal.


These officers are behaving like thugs.. citizens have every right to travel with their money. Regardless of the amount.


Congrats. You stole 100k from a woman with no proof of a crime.


You aren't allowed to hold your own money? The world we live in today: punish the innocent to get the guilty


De-Fund the Pol!ce !!! Drain the Swamp !!!!


I have been following civil asset Forfeiture stories from all over the country and I noticed a theme . If you are in a rental car, which police do know by running the plate, you better not have anything of any value with you . A common conversation is police explain they need to run the dog around the vehicle because it's common to transport drugs in RENTAL VEHICLES . This can be a UHaul or a hertz Mercedes. Here's a fun fact . If drugs are Transported in rentals as often as police claim then they also know the residue from those drugs linger for days up to weeks . This also means they know that even if YOU don't have drugs the dog will detect drugs . So they get to snoop through your things and take anything they wish under the guise of CIVIL ASSET FORFEITURE. But there is one thing I've never seen them take and this realization actually backs what I pointed out . If the dog hits on your vehicle and it's worth money, they seize your car but if it's a rental car vehicle ... I have yet to see one be seized . They can seize ANY VEHICLE that a dog says Transported drugs even if there are no drugs present yet they don't seize rental cars that the dog says Transported drugs even though police, police unions, Dea, and every arm of law enforcement admits rental cars are regularly used to transport drugs . Before you say it's because it's not the drivers property you need to know if someone you think is trustworthy gets busted with drugs while borrowing your car or has a passenger that has drugs on them ... if YOUR car is worth money they can and will take the car . So why don't they seize the vehicles owned by rental companies being regularly used to transport drugs ?
Oh one more detail . If you live in a state that has legal medical and or recreational Marijuana use, your car will almost 100 percent trigger a k9 in all states because of second hand contact with Marijuana by simply handling money on a daily basis . 🤔


Civil Asset Forfeiture implies that there is no *legal* method or reason for any citizen to possess more than a few hundred dollars.


how come they never take my $100, 000 credit card limit, aint that the same as cash!


judging by the comments, people have figured out who the criminals are


Taking money from a person is stealing even if its a cop who takes it. Period


Excuses to pass a bill that will take anything u own .... maybe not now but the decades.


Listen i wrk and save my money. At 40 yrs old, i have a very substantial amount in my gun safe. So they going to say its dirty money.


Yeah if this ever happens and you are innocent you have to ruin the lives of those involved.


People need to end these cash grabs. the government should not be alowed to steal your money!


That sound like stripper money tbh and if they have to go through all that to get their money back they need to get at least double what they have taken from them when police can’t prove a thing


100K in a suitcase sounds fishy. It still is legal in America to carry any amount of cash that you want. The biggest problem with civil asset forfeiture is that the government immediately starts to play a game of three card Monty with the cash. They send it to the federal government under the new drug enforcement guidelines, then the feds return a sizeable portion back to the agency that originally siezed the cash. This is windfall to their budget.
Now, if you're attempting to go court to get your cash back, you have to prove that the cash is yours and is not guilty. Yes, that the cash is not guilty. The way that the laws are written you have to sue the cash and not the agency. Then the cash has to be traced. The siezing agency doesn't have it, they gave it to the feds. The feds don't have it, they gave it back and dispersed the rest. It's a logistical nightmare originally designed to sieze cash from actual organized crime drug deals, not from innocent Americans. Unfortunately LEO agencies saw a legal loophole that gave them an almost unlimited cash supply without accountability.


"unreasonable search and seizure"...any law enforcement aware of that ??? Legal tender ??? What constitutes theft ???


Violate the 4th Amendment and going to learn about the 2nd Amendment next.


Anerica has become the land of unfree,


Proud Republican state + freedom + don’t tread on me + small government = Yea… Something ain’t adding up here.
