The President: September 1968. MP900 (1280x720)

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President Lyndon B. Johnson in September 1968. MP 900. Public domain.

This film is from the LBJ Library moving picture collection created by the White House Naval Photographic Unit, aka the Navy Films. The films consist of monthly reports on the activities of President and Mrs. Johnson from 1963-1969.

Wilderness scenery, Pedernales River in Texas

Czechoslovakian crisis developments in September
U.S. Ambassador to USSR Llewellyn Thompson and Walt Rostow talk in White House
National Security Council meeting with Ambassador Thompson, White House Cabinet Room, 9/4/1968
Amb. Thompson, Richard Helms, Sec. Dean Rusk, LBJ, ?, ? sitting at table
Leonard Marks, V.P. Hubert Humphrey, Walt Rostow, at table

Domestic concerns in September
LBJ holds working breakfast for Congressional Democratic leaders, White House Dining Room, 9/5/1968
Barefoot Sanders, Sen. Byrd, Cong. Boggs, Speaker McCormack at Dining table
Close-up of V.P. Hubert Humphrey
Close-up of Sen. Mike Mansfield
Close-up of Cong. Carl Albert

Fiscal briefing in White House Cabinet Room over budget, Medicaid, and taxes
Medium shot Charles Zwick, Art Okun

LBJ speaks with press, White House Oval Office, 9/12/1968
Carnival held on White House South Lawn for low income children of Washington DC area, V.P. Hubert Humphrey celebrates with children 9/8/1968

Deputy P.M. Yigal Allon (Israel) meets with LBJ concerning arms purchases, White House Oval Office, 9/9/1968

National economic concerns
Close-up Sec. Dean Rusk
Cong. Albert, Cong. Laird, Speaker John McCormack sitting at table listening
Sec. Clark Clifford, Walt Rostow at Cabinet table
Sec. Dean Rusk, LBJ, Sec. Clark Clifford at Cabinet Room table
Medium shot of Arthur Okun, Sec. Dean Rusk
Medium shot Cong. Gerald Ford, Cong. Leslie Arends
Cong. Albert, Cong. Melvin Laird, Speaker McCormack

LBJ meets with Price Stability Committee, White House Cabinet Room, 9/9/1968
Chrysler raises prices on new model cars, prompts concern about inflation
Price stability meeting, White House Cabinet Room, 9/9/1968

LBJ speaks at the Department of Housing and Urban Development building dedication ceremony, 9/6/1968
Dissolve to Lady Bird Johnson, Sec. Robert Weaver, LBJ in front of HUD building

Vietnam War developments and events
U.S. bombers being loaded with bombs and flying

Ambassador Averell Harriman meets with LBJ on Paris peace talks, White House Oval Office, 9/17/1968
Dissolve to Walt Rostow, LBJ, Harriman in Oval Office

Tuesday luncheon discussion of Vietnam situation, White House Dining Room, 9/17/1968
Close-up Gen. Earle Wheeler
Wide shot Richard Helms, Sec. Dean Rusk, LBJ, Amb. Harriman, Sec. Clark Clifford at table talking

LBJ speaks at American Legion's 50th annual convention, restates his administration's stand on Vietnam, New Orleans, Louisiana, 9/10/1968

U.S. troops fighting and jet fighters bombing in Vietnam

LBJ's closing remarks at American Legion convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, 9/10/1968
Funeral for Maj. Gen. Keith Ware, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, 9/17/1968
LBJ decorates five U.S. Army soldiers with the Medal of Honor, White House South Lawn, 9/19/1968
LBJ greets P.M. and Mrs. Errol Barrow (Barbados), 9/11/1968
LBJ speaks at State Dinner for P.M. & Mrs. Barrow, White House Rose Garden, 9/11/1968

LBJ receives from Cabinet members a desk blotter listing his 450 legislative achievements, White House Cabinet Room, 9/5/1968

Wilbur Cohen briefs the Cabinet on health care 9/?/1968, presents annual report from the Committee on Mental Retardation
BW still photographs: Mental retardation of children
LBJ speaks at signing of Handicapped Children's Early Education Act, White House Cabinet Room, 9/30/1968

Dinner at the White House for old friends of LBJ and Lady Bird Johnson, 9/13/1968

LBJ greets John Eisenhower, son of Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, announces Salute to Eisenhower Week in October, 9/19/1968
Medium shot Gen. Leonard Heaten, Sen. Everett Dirksen, John Eisenhower, LBJ

V.P. Hubert Humphrey's Presidential election campaign
LBJ, V.P Humphrey discuss the campaign in the White House Oval Office

Lady Bird Johnson, Lynda Johnson Robb lead reporters on walk through Washington, DC to V.P. Hubert Humphrey Campaign Headquarters

LBJ gives keynote address at a meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, DC, 9/30/1968

LBJ speaks with Eugene Black on Asian economic developments, White House Oval Office, 9/30/1968

LBJ signs Colorado River Basin Act, honors Sen. Carl Hayden's retirement from the Senate, White House East Room, 9/30/1968
Sen. Hayden, Sec. Udall looking on
Scenic shots of Colorado River and waterfalls, mountains

Scenic shot of LBJ Ranch, Texas
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