Another Pelosi Meltdown, Is She Mentally Competent? Is The Empress Naked?

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Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi had to be removed from the House Floor by the Sergeant at Arms, after breaking protocol and charging across House Floor twice, while wagging her finger. Even Democrat Nita Lowey of NY was caught on mic saying “What is she doing?” This is not an isolated case for Pelosi.

She was angry with Representative Marino of PA (R) for talking about how the border crisis came about, even though he did not name her. Marino has said “She lost it”. Marino said Pelosi repeatedly called him “insignificant”, was acting in a “Royalty” like manner, and further said “Anything that she does will not surprises me anymore”.

Nancy Pelosi is arguably the most powerful women in America and is one of the richest people in the world, reported to have a net worth of $100,000,000. richest-politicians/nancy-pelosi-net-worth/

We will show the entire video and Rep. Marino’s interview below, and other videos, but first, why is this news? Nancy Pelosi effects all of our lives. The very unpopular “ObamaCare” law would not have passed, if not for Pelosi twisting arms and more. She has been first in line in to become the President of the USA, if both the President and Vice President were to die, and she could be in that position again in the future, if she became Speaker again. So we all have a great deal at stake if Nancy Pelosi is in an incapacitated condition. It is the duty of the news media to keep an eye on such things.

How about the public? Are they concerned that Nancy Pelosi is incapacitated? The answer appears to be yes. 75% of the top Google searches are are about her being incapacitated, being senile, on drugs or sick. So there does appear to be public concern about whether she is mentally incapacitated.

Today Actor James Woods has gone public about questioning whether Pelosi is mentally ill.

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"We just need to pass it...and then we can see what's in it."  Unbelievable.


She is living in her own little word. The problem is, it's insane!


The fact that she even became Speaker of the House astonishes me. Can anyone honestly look at this individual and see anything other than gross incompetence ?


There has been nothing as unaffordable as the affordable Care Act


Pelosi without any doubt, needs to be removed from public office.Place her in the hotspot of Fergtown Missouri, That will take care of it.


And just how much are the American people paying for this level of service?


I can't believe that her home district is still voting her in, Talk about an Insignificant thing her and her district is it .


She'd make a better Walmart greeter than a 'Madam Leader"


Hey, Northern California... hope you're proud of yourselves.


She should have been committed to a sanitarium decades ago.  Certifiably insane!


If Nancy has one more facelift, she will be sporting a beard.


She called him "insignificant"...just imagine what she thinks about the rest of us. Back when she used to know what she thought, that is.


Still could'nt find the "affordable" care act.


Over the past twenty-plus years, I've submitted grant requests to NIH, HHS, NSF and other agencies to investigate a link between political liberalism and schizotypal personality disorder.  All requests for funding have been denied.   


she needs to retire or go to jail. she should get out. before she gets the drain. Hillary Clinton and Obama need to go as well


Thank you for the comments and many recommendations.   This is a serious problem for American. 4 years ago she was two heartbeats from being President.  

Look at the way her Democrat colleagues looked at her when she claimed to have the gavel after she lost it.  THEY KNOW SHE IS CRAZY/INCAPACITATED, IT Scares Them,  yet do not remove her.  There are some honorary jobs that incapacitated people do not need to be removed from, but she is one of the most powerful people in the world and is incoherent.  It is scary.


She sounds and appears to me to have the behavior of someone with a long time drinking problem.


I can't think of one good thing she has done to help the country. Ive never been a fan of democRATS. They call it the affordable care act BECAUSE NO ONE CAN AFFORD IT. hillarIOUS. I think the common sense thing to do is be able to read a bill before passing it into law, even if it's a million pages long. I think she has a grandiose view of herself. we need Trump to drain that swamp fast, and fix our failing health care system.


Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Oprah Winfrey maybe even Ellen DeGeneres could be the next democratic presidential hopefuls. Wow not much to pick from


She's a psycho. We all know that. We always have.
