IT FINALLY HAPPENED! NASA's Orion spacecraft just flew by the moon in Artemis 1 mission

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Nasa's Orion spacecraft reached the moon on Monday, completing a record-setting lunar orbit that brought it within 80 miles of the moon's surface as it went around the moon's back.

The crew capsule and its three test dummies were on the far side of the moon when the close approach took place.

A half-hour blackout in communications meant that Houston flight controllers didn't know whether the crucial engine firing went smoothly until the spacecraft emerged from behind the moon, more than 232,000 miles from Earth.

It's been 50 years since Nasa's Apollo programme, and this week's launch of the Orion spacecraft atop the enormous Artemis rocket marked a major milestone in the $4.1bn test mission.

The orbit of Orion put it directly over the locations of the Apollo 11, 12, and 14 landings, the first three human landings on the Moon.

Video broadcast back early this morning showed the moon becoming bigger and larger as the spacecraft neared the last few thousand kilometres.

Pictures of Earth, a blue dot in the middle of darkness, were relayed back by the capsule's cameras as it swung out from behind the moon.

In order to reach the wide, asymmetrical lunar orbit, Orion had to slingshot around the moon to get enough speed. If everything keeps going as planned, the spacecraft will reach its target orbit on 1Friday after another engine fire.

Soon after this weekend, Orion will surpass the roughly 250,000 mile record for a Nasa spacecraft meant for humans, established by Apollo 13 in 1970.

Also, it will continue on its way until next Monday, when it will be over 270,000 miles from Earth.

Nearly a week will pass while the capsule orbits the moon before it returns home. The 11th of December will see a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean.

Since Orion lacks a lunar lander, the next human landing on the moon won't occur until 2025, when NASA will use SpaceX's Starship. However, in 2024 at the earliest, astronauts will board Orion for a trip around the moon.

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Love this channel, but you guys need to please stop using IT FINALLY HAPPENED! in almost EVERY new video. Please?


If man landed on lunar 50 years back, 1st thing NASA struggling to launch Artemis, 2nd thing they havent sent humans.


So, I want to see the photos of the old remains...I bet we won't see anything or some fake.


Wow ! What were those things ? ? And, they certainly looked huge . I noticed that they came from beyond the limb of the moon, flew over its surface while casting shadows and then disappeared after they endered the shaddow of the moon . Clearly, they were either obiting the moon or were otherwise maintaining a constant altitude . Has there been any more info on those things ? What was their size ? They looked like they were 'miles' long .


Lol couldn't find any actors this time, dummies were a lot cheaper.


I'm giddy with excitement for the Artemis program. I remember Apollo but that was K-3rd grades for me.


Surprisingly and not unexpected, NO EVIDENCE OF THE APOLLO LANDING SITES COULD BE FOUND.... interesting....


Happened. Broca's area, or the Broca area is a region in the frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere, usually the left, of the brain with functions linked to speech production. 2/8/2021 and I lived again. Broca's aphasia (non-fluent aphasia) Mike Caputo, Year 1 Stroke Recovery, Up Up Up - Aphasia with attitude, Broca's Aphasia, Right-side Weakness, Mark's 22 years-old Stroke: Broca's Aphasia.


Is this real footage? Looks like ps3 graphics


spacex needs very big legs to land on the moon


The moon images are total crap. I am old enough to have seen multiple moon missions US and others. This is super upsetting.
