Build Responsive Coffee Website Using React JS And Tailwind CSS | Vite #webdesign #webdevelopment

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Build Responsive Coffee Website Using React JS And Tailwind CSS React and Tailwind CSS Website #reactjs #tailwindcss #webdesign #webdevelopment

Build A Coffee Website Using React JS And Tailwind CSS
React Responsive Coffee Website Tutorial Using ReactJs , Vite
React js Projects for Beginners
Build A Mobile Responsive Coffee Website with React, Vite & Tailwind CSS
Tailwind css project , Tailwind css tutorial


Tailwind CSS Website -:

Google Fonts Website -:

React Icons Website -:

Free Images -:

Install react dependencies -:
npm i react-scroll
npm install react-icons --save

In this website design tutorial we are building the Coffee landing page which have the sections are navbar , home , menu , about us , products , reviews , footer. we are using the react and tailwind css for design. we are using the vite for fast performance of website you also can use the normal npx create-react-app your-project-name.

In this video, you’ll learn -:
- React functional components and their reusability
- React file and folder structure
- How to use tailwind css in react project
- How to use the react-scroll module
- How create the fixed Nav using react JS

website design using react and tailwind css-:

00:00 Demo
03:45 React and Tailwind setup
07:47 Navbar Component
20:10 Hero Component
25:56 Menu Component
32:06 About Component
34:58 Product Component
39:51 Reviews Component
45:14 Footer Component
50:58 Outro

Рекомендации по теме

I'm searching react developer, finally I got you 😊. You can also add your voice and explain what you doing


where i found these web templet you made in this video


Whats the background gradient? Can someone give me?
