Homogeneous Meaning with Examples

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Homogeneous Meaning with Examples


1. If a group of things are homogeneous, they're all the same or similar, like a room full of identically dressed Elvis impersonators.

2. Homogeneous is used to describe a group or thing which has members or parts that are all the same.

3. Consisting of people or things that are all of the same type.

4. Consisting of parts or people that are similar to each other or are of the same type.


1. They say it's wrong for the judiciary to be drawn from a narrow and homogeneous group.

2. But the modern national team, much like modern Canada, is far less homogeneous.

3. This elastic cover allows one to obtain a homogeneous distribution of the applied force.

4. Firms in a perfectly competitive industry sell homogeneous products and are price takers.

5. Thus, the homogeneous product is the set of all products that are perfect substitutes.

6. That said, the series has frequently come under fire for its racially homogeneous casting.

7. You would assume that the group would mirror itself online & stay small & homogeneous.

8. The goal seems to be galleries as homogeneous as possible, so as not to confuse viewers.

9. Beyond it lies a sunny footpath, a yard planted with a sapling, a homogeneous subdivision.

10. But unlike largely homogeneous Norway, the sprawling United States is deeply divided.

11. Face it, Democrats: You are the diverse party and Republicans are the homogeneous party.

12. In scientific terms, we are all heterogeneous but are drawn to homogeneous groups.

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