9 Best Personal Finance Books

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If you're looking for ways to improve your personal finances, reading personal finance books is a great way to start. In this video, I share my nine personal favorite personal finance books.


0:00 - Intro
0:39 - The Millionaire Next Door by Dr. Thomas Stanley
1:55 - The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
3:08 - The Index Card by Helaine Olen
4:14 - Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
5:28 - The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John C. Bogle
6:19 - The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing by Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer and Michael LeBoeuf
7:12 - A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel
8:06 - I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi
8:57 - The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins



DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. These videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. I am merely sharing my personal opinion. Please seek professional help when needed.
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I recommend everyone to find the forbidden book titled Genius Hidden Tricks, It changed my life.


it’s kinda crazy how nobody’s talking about Antozent, they are selling 150 self help books for the price of one


Finally, someone speaking my language! I'm all in for that 'make so much money no one can tell you what to do' vibe.


Read The Millionaire Next Door when I was 28. It flipped my world upside and I became a millionaire 3 years later. Boglehead's Guide to Investing should be everyone's investing bible. So glad you included that one.


I would recommend the book 'Masonic Tricks for Making Money' because it can vividly illustrate how the Masons earned money and how an ordinary person can also profit from it


After a terrible 2022, shell-shocked financial backers have a lot to think about and losses to recover from. An expansion report and a wealth of other data did little to alter assumptions that the Central bank would likely keep raising interest rates regardless of whether the economy slows down. This implies that portfolios will experience more losses during the first quarter of 2023. I'm currently at a crossroads in deciding whether to exchange my $250k security/stock portfolio; how might the continuous market volatility work to my advantage?


A personal favorite (that's partially finance but in pursuit of a better life) is Your Money or Your Life. I seriously can't speak more highly of this book.


I have only ever finished reading the Psychology of Money on this list, but it has quickly become one of my favorite books. Timeless lessons that are easily digestible and applicable without being overly condescending and evangelical like some finance authors’ works I’ve read.


If you can only buy 2, get total money makeover and the millionaire next door, if you can only buy one get total money makeover. All these books are the same, avoid debt and invest


Reading books can enlighten you to a world you've never seen before.


Thank you for the suggestion of 'The Index Card'. I will definitely read this book. I think that many people see 'simple' and 'easy' as interchangeable terms - but they're not.
EX: If you want to lose weight and get in shape - simple - eat right and work out. But it's not 'easy'. You need a sustained program of impulse control with food, and a consistent workout regimen. Understanding the difference between 'simple' and 'easy' is crucial. Understand that the simple solution is going to require doing things that aren't always easy.


All these books are great. Thanks for sharing with us!


What about Rich Dad Poor Dad? It’s sold over 46 million copies since the 90’s- probably more than all of the listed books combined. If u want to build wealth, u need to own physical assets, not just paper investments! This book has changed my life!


I would also recommend Cashflow Quadrant ( and no other books by him ) and also The History of Money ( Weatherford ) for a solid background of commerce and money. I like Sethi's approach to begin to move from survival to gaining control of your own money.

If you don't have a plan for your life, someone else does -- and you may not like it


I've just finished reading "Sofa Success; The Art of Making Money from Your Comfort Zone" and I have to say that it is revolutionary. While enjoying the comforts of your own area, the author gives us an effective plan for making money online. It feels like you have a mentor guiding you through it all. This is something you should definitely do if you want to increase your income without going outside of your comfort zone. I would strongly recommend it!


Thanks for the new reading material.
I own and have read Total Money Makeover & A Random Walk down Wall Street. Will check those other ones out.


Great list of recommendations 👍🏼. Thank you. ❤ I’ve read 6 of the 9 you recommend. Not sure I agree with everything in #4 though.


Everyone should start with The Psychology of Money IMO. That book changed my perspective. I’ve also read Dave Ramsey’s book and I Will Teach you to be Rich and both are pretty good.


I have to say that i found a book named "The Money Curse" and its awesome. I am shocked.


Great selection of books! I’ve read all but one of them. Another one of my personal favorites is Retire Before Mom and Dad because I feel like it lays out the basics of personal finance and way that’s engaging easy to understand.
