Discoid Roach Breeding Guide - Part 3 - Discoid Roaches Mating - Discoid Roach

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Discoid roach 7 month update
Hey guys, today I wanted to talk about how much my discoid roach colony has grown since I started. It has been 7 months, and I originally started with just 3 females, 3 males, and around 20 Nymphs. In this video, I'm going to talk about a few more things I've learned, such as a food to make their numbers really pop, their mating, molting, and a few other tid bits. But first, if you are new to the channel, consider subscribing. I cover a range of feeder related topics, such as caring for and breeding your critters. And with that out of the way, let's start the video.
First, lets talk about our numbers. They are really starting to pop. I started feeding them tangerines, as I learned they really like citrus fruit. I feed a little less than half of one every 2 days and at first, they only cleared half of it. Within a month, they are consuming the whole piece I place in there. I've also learned that with my current conditions, the tangerine will not last longer than 2 days without molding. So I have finally reached a happy medium to avoid mold. I am starting to put a little more in, along with 2 types of dry food. One, some people took issue with for one of the bases i used, and the other, containing oats, black eyed peas, chex corn cereal, dehydrated apples, and chex corn cereal. At this point, I cannot appease them any further, as I have even left their facebook group. I will say my roaches prefer the first mix I made over the new one. As I run out of the old one, I will be switching them over to the new mix completely unless they do not eat it. And if they don't, it is back to the drawing board.
Let's take a moment to talk about their mating. I have finally... and I mean finally... caught the whole process on video. Their mating is done rear to rear, after the male does his wing flapping dancing, if the female is receptive, they both turn around and consemate their union. They will sit like this, quite still, for several minutes. I apologize for the footage being more blurry than usual, this was the only time I have actually caught them mating. Since we are talking about mating, I'd like to show you a aborted egg sack, or oothecae as it is properly called. Sometimes roach pregnancy fails and they get rid of the oothecae. Be it by stress, by poor conditions, etc. There are many variables that could lead to this. This is the 2nd one I have found in 7 months. I am not 100% sure how good or how bad that number is, however, I am happy to not have found more. I do my best now to try and not disturb my roaches often.
Lastly, lets talk about molting. As you can see here, this is either a large nymph, or freshly molted adult. I cannot quite tell as what could be the wings have not full formed and I have never witnessed an adult that was white, only shiny and fresh. You can tell a young adult from the rest of them by how pretty and perfect their wings are in comparison. This is one of my older adults. Now a younger one. See the drastic difference in their wings? I've noticed the older they are, the calmer they are. It may be due to interacting with me more and thus not being afraid of me. Right here is a male that I can pick up by his sides. One thing i had noticed about him is that he is missing a leg. I'm unsure how that happened, but it seems to have made him extremely docile, as you can see. But that about covers it guys. Just wanted to give this update so you could see how much my colony has grown and what you can expect if you pick some up yourself. It does not take many. If you liked this video and have it in your critter loving heart, give me a like, a subscribe, and hit the bell icon for more videos in the futre like this. And as always, from the gizards and I, have a wonderful day
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Discoid roach 7 month update
Hey guys, today I wanted to talk about how much my discoid roach colony has grown since I started. It has been 7 months, and I originally started with just 3 females, 3 males, and around 20 Nymphs. In this video, I'm going to talk about a few more things I've learned, such as a food to make their numbers really pop, their mating, molting, and a few other tid bits. But first, if you are new to the channel, consider subscribing. I cover a range of feeder related topics, such as caring for and breeding your critters. And with that out of the way, let's start the video.
First, lets talk about our numbers. They are really starting to pop. I started feeding them tangerines, as I learned they really like citrus fruit. I feed a little less than half of one every 2 days and at first, they only cleared half of it. Within a month, they are consuming the whole piece I place in there. I've also learned that with my current conditions, the tangerine will not last longer than 2 days without molding. So I have finally reached a happy medium to avoid mold. I am starting to put a little more in, along with 2 types of dry food. One, some people took issue with for one of the bases i used, and the other, containing oats, black eyed peas, chex corn cereal, dehydrated apples, and chex corn cereal. At this point, I cannot appease them any further, as I have even left their facebook group. I will say my roaches prefer the first mix I made over the new one. As I run out of the old one, I will be switching them over to the new mix completely unless they do not eat it. And if they don't, it is back to the drawing board.
Let's take a moment to talk about their mating. I have finally... and I mean finally... caught the whole process on video. Their mating is done rear to rear, after the male does his wing flapping dancing, if the female is receptive, they both turn around and consemate their union. They will sit like this, quite still, for several minutes. I apologize for the footage being more blurry than usual, this was the only time I have actually caught them mating. Since we are talking about mating, I'd like to show you a aborted egg sack, or oothecae as it is properly called. Sometimes roach pregnancy fails and they get rid of the oothecae. Be it by stress, by poor conditions, etc. There are many variables that could lead to this. This is the 2nd one I have found in 7 months. I am not 100% sure how good or how bad that number is, however, I am happy to not have found more. I do my best now to try and not disturb my roaches often.
Lastly, lets talk about molting. As you can see here, this is either a large nymph, or freshly molted adult. I cannot quite tell as what could be the wings have not full formed and I have never witnessed an adult that was white, only shiny and fresh. You can tell a young adult from the rest of them by how pretty and perfect their wings are in comparison. This is one of my older adults. Now a younger one. See the drastic difference in their wings? I've noticed the older they are, the calmer they are. It may be due to interacting with me more and thus not being afraid of me. Right here is a male that I can pick up by his sides. One thing i had noticed about him is that he is missing a leg. I'm unsure how that happened, but it seems to have made him extremely docile, as you can see. But that about covers it guys. Just wanted to give this update so you could see how much my colony has grown and what you can expect if you pick some up yourself. It does not take many. If you liked this video and have it in your critter loving heart, give me a like, a subscribe, and hit the bell icon for more videos in the futre like this. And as always, from the gizards and I, have a wonderful day