Do not underestimate the value of piece activity! · Daily Chess Test #13

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In today's chess test you will be solving two complex positions of different nature. In one you will have to think prophylactically, and in the other actively. Piece activity will be the solution to both!

I hope these tests are helping you work on your chess by giving you a daily task which is hard enough, but doesn't take up too much of your time.
The goal of these exercises is to help you concentrate and calculate better when playing over the board!

0:00 Position 1
00:48 Solution 1
09:28 Position 2
09:58 Solution 2

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Hello Stjepan, thank you for your awesome content, your work helps a lot.
One suggestion from my side that is a bit controversial as you banned engine analysis, but if you publish something, it should be 100% "watertight". So, my suggestion would be that you analyse with an engine after you have analysed the positions for yourself to prevent holes in the analysis.
The second position is a draw.
First misevaluation according to "my Stockfish" is the position at 13:58, of course if you go pawn hunting, it is lost, but the correct moves are either Rg2 or Rd3+, the idea being to bring the rock back to the sixth rank.
Second misevaluation, even after the exchange of rooks, the position is drawn after g6 and not Kc6 (which is a blunder, timestamp 14:49), but g6 holds the draw.
I would agree with you that white's position is much easier to play and a lot of black players might lose this, but it is in fact a drawn endgame with perfect play.
Thank you again for your awesome content.


Thank you. Thinking about these positions really helped. Keep up the great work!


Piece activity along with flexibility is literally THE main definition of value of a piece lol, so yeah, don't underestimate it.


Woo, i found the solution for problem two. At our avg level, u rarely have endgames in blitz, but its good to kbow for the future


I just watched u then gain 200 point in one month u r such a wonderful coach


I admire your work so much and I'm going to watch every single video on your channel
Keep going ♥️👍
And thank you for everything I'm learning from you


Stjepan! Great content, sincerely. In my analysis I thought after rook takes rook and king captures rook. The attacking move rook b4. You let go of the a5 pawn but you get your rook to the 7th file. Thoughts on this variation?


Could you do Grunfeld defense Nadanian attack?
It seems fun af


The position you mention in 3:37 after playing 1.f3 is exactly the same as the one in 8:23 reached by playing 1.Nc4. The first time you mention it you say it is about equal and the second time you say it is "much better for white". So the only reason to play Nc4 first is to give black a chance to go wrong by not responding with R8f6? Then it doesn't make sense to me, why is 1.Nc4 "the only correct way to play this position"?


Here goes another 1 hour of my life (:


my first instinct was to play Nd7 on that first position lmao


Hello..I am 17 years old(from India)....I want to get into professional am stuck at 1900 in lichess ...pls give some tips to improve..
I only play 1 15+10 game ...per Day...And after the game I will study some positions...but its Not helping me
