What happened to my fiddle leaf fig propagations? #fiddleleaffig #plantpropagation #plantpeople

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My fiddle was struggling too. Read somewhere that they like the outdoors but under shade so I asked my neighbor to put it under her umbrella to see how he does (named him Michael Scott) a year later Micheal is thriving INSIDE her house. I felt insulted 😂


"If it's causing me that much stress, you gotta go." Same


"If it's causing that much stress you gotta go." Looks at homework 👀


Oh no. I know you are heartbroken. It is a relief to know the Plant Whisper has challenges too!!!


“That heifer hated it here”
My favorite part!


They are just really sensitive. Mine also lost all its leaves when I got it. I just left it alone to get used to it's new home. I still gave her water tho. Now she is a beautiful tree


And this is why I'm too scared to even go near these trees yet.. I'll see them in hospitals, hotels, or malls thriving and I'm like.. who takes such good care of you? How do you live like this? How can you survive here but not in normal home environments? What are your secrets oh finicky fiddle leaf.


It's okay Krystal! Sometimes we gotta cut our losses, no matter what we could or didn't do. Now you have room for more babies that need rescuing!!!


Fiddles really don’t need the most sun. They need to be put somewhere closest to where they were growing before, and always indirect light. Also, I’m afraid the wood was already dead when you cut it, hence the leaves all falling off. No coming back from that, girl. Live to plant another day. 💜


I tried to propagate my fiddle cutting and it took a few months for those white-dots-turned-roots to form. The only reason I didn’t give up was because one big leaf decided to hang on. Left it on my jungle plant table with timed grow lights. Then, it happened. But girl, it was SLOW. I was so scared to take it out of the water to put it in soil. So far so good though. And this is a girl who couldn’t keep some succulents alive 😆 I challenge you to try again! Maybe a friend will gift you a cutting?


I’ve seen this happen to other plant people I admire too and I’m just jotting down “don’t get a fiddle leaf” lol


I love when u keep us updated on 1 plant like this fiddle or the peace lily 😍 and I love that you are just so real and honest I hope you try again 💗 I just know you can do it maybe not right away but maybe you save one


This fiddle was determined to die on you. So sad, and I really had big hopes for it's bounce back 😫


my best advice for FLF is putting them in a south or west window - nothing less. here at the garden center I work at they are in direct sun for most of the day on the south side of our greenhouse. Feed regularly as long as there’s active growth, every time you water in the spring/ summer and about once a month in the winter months when you water. When you do feed avoid slow release fertilizers, fertilizer sticks or hydroponic fertilizers (usually made of emulsions and worm castings in liquid form - can get fertilizer burn easily). high nitrogen all-purpose water soluble fertilizer is best - ficus tend to be hungry boogers. Also, I’ve seen that it’s often advertised to let them dry 1/3 of the way down. However, I believe that’s too moist and I’ve had better luck growing letting them go 3/4 of the way dry. another tip, do not chop, propagate, move, repot or anything if it’s not spring or summer. FLF hate change and can only sustain it when it’s the proper months. I hope that helps!!


Don't give up on her !
I brought some fig-cuttings from my vacation and tried water propping them. They dropped every single leaf like yours very, very quickly. Because i didn't want to give up on them if left them for about two months, and then the first started producing new healthy leafes and the others started growing roots. Now all have "some" roots and two new ones started growing leafes.
What that has tought me so far about figs is:
They HATE change. They require some light and some water. But i guess they can tolerate hight light to only one hour of direct sun. They are ok with low water but can also live in more moist soil. The only thing that "kills" them is change. If you give them a very long time to adapt, they will make it. I got figs in nearly every room now and none seems to bother anymore - but most struggled at the beginnen.


I found you by accident while looking for answers about my fiddle leaf fig, Eunice (in honor of the great Carol Burnett)...she's decided to move, but she's still in a pot. I've never seen a straight-up-growing plant take a left turn, like she's decided to move next door. She wasn't making a Y, and one side grew...she just started growing horizontally. I've tried to coax her up again, but I think I'm going to have to be clever, and make a Y support to stick in the dirt andvhold her up. I've never seen a plant just start growing sideways. I've liked, subscribed, and have a bunch of your videos in my queue - you've got a great voice and personality, AND you know what you're talking about. Thank you.


Im thankful for the fact you're sharing us real progress, even if there's not much good results but it's still something we all can learn from. I truly appreciate it~~


It makes me feel much better about the fiddle leaf fig I'm currently killing, that you've also had struggles


Hi Kristal, this happened to my fiddle too! I then bought a new one but a small one and I have it in a bathroom with a skylight. I find that the more I ignore her and only water like every 2 weeks the better she is. Get a baby one and try again!
Love your channel!!


I have mine in a corner, with indirect sunlight by the back door. I water her about once ever month and a half, but saturate her, no drainage, cannibalize her leaves when they fall and do not disturbed the soul other than watering or replanting. She is doing really well. I've had her for about five years and she was a tiny baby when I got her. I also tell my plants everyday they are beautiful, rub their leaves and give her a big hug.
