Mom - A Mother, Missing Home //

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In Korean, "Wedding" has the meaning of "Going husband's house". In other words, "Leaving her home". This is a story about a woman, who was a baby, daughter, lady, wife, and mom.

Making of "Mom"

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We understand the meaning of the word 'mother' only when we become like them or loose them .Just think yourself in a state when your mum is in dead bed and all her scolding will be coming back to u as memories of sweet times.
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☺“A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend."☺


My mother took her last breath in my hands .... and those memories are still in me . Even though 2 years have past I am still going through my depression and anxiety medication . A life without mother is something hollow, especially if you are a girl child . Now I am mother to my 12 year old sister .
Just a reminder, just show your parents that you love them through actions, you won't know if you will have them by your side the next moment. You can't get back something you lost .


My mom is 68 and a grandmother and she still cries for her mother to this day.
You never stop being your mothers child.
I dread the day I am going to lose my own sweet mama but I am so grateful for all that she has taught me and done for me x ❤️


There’s nothing like the connection between a mother and her children❤️


The video hit me hard!
My Mom passed away on May 21, 2012 from Alzheimer's Disease.
My Dad went to visit her every day and to take care of her.
It's not that he didn't trust the nurses.
He NEEDED to be there by her side.
He missed her presence at home.
He was LONELY without her.
They had a wonderful bond with each other.
My Dad said he would never marry again.
My Mom was the only woman for him.
I watched her deteriorate in the hospital bed and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
My mind went back to all of the meals that she cooked and how she loved decorating for the holidays, especially Christmas.
I remember sitting in the living room, by the coffee table looking at the Nativity Scene and watching the snow fall outside, and watching the lights blink on the Christmas Tree.
My Mom would be playing Christmas music on the record player.
The Andrews Sisters was my favorite along with a Christmas record by Boots Randolph, Floyd Kramer and Chet Atkins.
The vacations we would take every summer after we were out of school.
My Mom was so good at reading the Road Atlas.
She never learned how to drive.
My Dad did all the driving.
My Mom used to buy Christmas gifts throughout the year.
By Thanksgiving, she had everything bought that was on her list.
Then she would wrap up the gifts.
She was so good at utilizing a piece of wrapping paper.
She never wasted any.
She was just so talented at everything.
I wanted to be just like her.
I worked on a Memorial after she passed away.
This kept me busy the week she died.
I started it on Monday and was done by Friday.
I took copies over to my Dad's house (we lived back to back).
All of the family was there.
I wanted to give out the copies I had made to them.
Now fast forward to 2019.
I was married 19 years ago and had 2 beautiful daughters aged 18 and 14.
Where has the time gone?
It seems like only yesterday that we brought them home from the hospital.
Feeding them, changing their diapers.
Watching them grow up and start school.
Watching them make friends, and lose friends.
I just want to do it all again.
I want to relive my life again from the beginning.
Not take things or people for granted.
Appreciate everything that you have.
I like to sit and look at pictures, but they are a painful reminder of days gone by.
I will never get those days back again.
I remember the 3 of us (my brother, sister and myself) being taken to our Grandparents apartment.
There is a memory I do not have but was told to me.
We all (Mom, Dad, brother, sister and I) went to Sears Department Store.
I was probably about 5 or 6.
I slipped away from my Mom and took the escalator to the 2nd floor.
There was all kinds of toys and even a big wheel.
I was having fun without a care in the world.
Then my Mom realized I wasn't with her.
She starting searching the store and then asked a security guard if he had seen me.
She gave him a description of what I looked like and what I was wearing.
It didn't take him long to find me.
He said I was upstairs playing on the big wheel.
They brought me downstairs to my Mom.
I don't remember any of this happening.
I could go on for days with these kinds of stories and bore everyone to death.
So, I'll just say this.
Cherish your Mother for she is like no other.
Here is a saying I came across years ago.
Memories are bittersweet.
Sorry for my book.
I wanted to share these things.
Have a blessed day everyone.


i pray for every mother that god give them long healthy wealthy ameen


Becoming a mom made me a better person: 28 years ago I unconditionally put someone else's needs before my own and discovered what real love means. 💞


I hope that everyone who see this comment have a healthy and good live with their mother, cause when u lose her u know that she was the only one twho did everything for u without fear and thinking . Love u mom 🥺❤️


I was watching this and my 17 year old son asked if I was okay. Yes, I’m fine.
He came and gave me the deepest and sweetest hug and I busted in tears. He’s always done that, given me hugs like he knew when I needed them. He’s the best.


Let's see how many love their mother and want their mom to live 100 yrs plz like

Thanks for 1.7 k likes, god bless you


May our mothers always be healthy and happy❤


It's like going back to the old house and regain their memories back, when I went to my old relatives house, my memory was having a flashback and was looking at the place where last time I walk around


My mom died when I was 18 years old.Now i am a mother of 2 active boys. I missed her every now and then. Watching this short film makes me cry a lot 😭


Sugar is "sweet"
Honey is even "sweeter" but
My mom's smile is the "sweetest" of all...( *for me* )
I love you mom


Literally cried at the end part of the video. Nothing could be more important than mother.💞❤


It's the most heart-touching animation I've ever watched. Moms are our angel in the world. Long live mom♥️


it really makes me cry..
Specially when she was remembering her past days near the Tree..


I'm at my mom's house right now. Taking care of her. She's 92 years old. I live 11 minutes away from her. But my sisters and I take turns taking care of her. We do not want her in a nursing home. So we sacrifice for her because she sacrificed so much for us.


As we get older, most see how good our mama was to just give us life through birth
