How Media Coverage Contributes to Queerbaiting

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In the past I've laid blame on studios and creators for patting themselves on the back too hard and too publicly when it comes to LGBTQ+ representation. However there's another player in that whole game: the media that's reporting on it. And sometimes they can cause the problem on their own without any "help" from studios or creators. Let's talk about how this all plays out.



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I think one of the most annoying aspects of this issue is that an awful lot of the time, the media itself tends to almost expect a certain level of gratitude from the LGBT+ community for pointing out that this potentially LGBT+ character exists. It may just be me and how I'm inclined to interpret these headlines and articles but it does often feel as though the reviewer/interviewer is saying "look at me being all ally and noticing you guys existing! Aren't I Progressive!" - it just rubs me the wrong way. To me, a character's gender/sexual orientation (even on a potential level) has no reason to be noted in reviews or press about a work unless it actually significantly contributes to the character themselves or the story. You can't really talk about Hitchcock's 'Rope' for example without at least touching on the gay subtext but using the presence of one very brief moment of LeFou dancing with another man in 'Beauty and the Beast' as a drive for media discussion really wasn't worth it at all.


Unrelated, but you're looking fantastic today. Love that lipstick on you!


Mentioning the previous queer-baiting video has reminded me of another way She-Ra’s Noelle Stevenson is awesome: she is extremely open with answering fan questions about all sorts or questions... after it’s aired. And she’s always so precise with her comments too!

“So I have a head cannon that Bow is a trans man”
Noelle: “oh, I like that! It wasn’t our original intention, of it was we’d have cast a trans actor, but I see where you’d think that!”
*proceeds to cast a trans man as the male Star Sibling*


I love that line "They are outraged, now they need to find out what they will be angry about" (paraphrasing slightly)... couldn't be truer for some people.


I've seen a lot of people say their problem with gay characters is when "their entire personality is being gay." Although, the opposite seems to be the problem. No indication of being gay is given. And I never really saw any problem with "overly gay" characters. The whole reason Jack Harkness is a great character is because he's incredibly flirty with everyone he meets.


I absolutely agree that more LGBTQA+ representation will be of great benefit. I just hope that studios do get better at including it casually and realistically. While I may not be LGBTQA+, I am on the autistic spectrum and it would be nice to see less media treating my condition as "savant in a very specialized field with a robotic 'what is this thing you humans call 'love'?' sideplot".
As far as the media representation problem, I think there's a third solution: get journalists and news media back into the business of reporting the news rather than selling sensational stories, but that's a bit high-level and accompanies other issues, so I felt justified in at least bringing it up.


Thanks to you and your great work today we have a chat with my 5 years old niece about different gender expressions. And it's how you say if there's enough representation there would not be any reason to make a big deal about it. We talked about makeup, hairstyles, and even your glasses (she loved it). She sends her regards. Btw I love casual comics great to see you highlighting some fantastic creators.


I dream to one day be normalized in media enough that people won’t blame “inclusion” for making a movie bad but just be like “wow, that movie had bad writing”


I am reminded how freaked out folks were about interracial pairings. Now no one beats an eye. I remember Ellen's coming out episode and how the media was obsessed for months. Then we had Will and Grace for years. It is a slow process but it will get where it will no longer be news worthy.


How did homosexuality become something unremarkable to me? Because my aunt's brother was in a couple with another man, because when I was six years old I spent most of my summer with another gay couple. So you're right, the more you see something, the less it's news or gossip or indignation material.


I've said it before, big studios like Disney, when they choose to represent lgbtq+ people at all, do so in a way that can be easily edited out in foreign markets where such representation isn't acceptable like the middle east, China, and Russia, so they dont lose the revenue in that territory. It's an unfortunate truth that in these areas and others homophobia, transphobia, etc are still big problems.


Omg vera!!! Is that the sword of protection in the intro!?!?!?! Love it so much


I completely agree with your point. In fact I blame the media more than the filmmakers in most cases.
In some cases they're simply answering a baited question (I think Lando in Solo was something like that?) and saying anything could be deprived of caveats and made jnto a headline.
Had the Internet existed in the 1990s, I don't see why no one on the production of The Little Mermaid should have been allowed to say they based Ursula on a drag queen just as an aside on the process behind the design, but you know how much that would have blown up if the Internet had existed.


Onward is a perfect example of this. I’m so glad you addressed that. Btw, your hair looks amazing today, and I love Shipper’s Guide To The Galaxy!


I feel like a middle ground to a gay character's personality needs to be struck. Not overly in your face flamboyant, but not just a "hey I'm gay" and nothing comes of it either.


I stumbled across Shippers Guide to the Galaxy when Good Omens came out, and she guided me towards some incredible fan fic (really). Nice to see you support her! I may have to check out her other channel too. Also, good addendum to your earlier vid.


She said 'girlfriend' in Onward. That was still pretty veg though as a lot of hetero girls will refer to regular female friends they have as girlfriends.


I remember when headlines were praising Joe Russo for his brief cameo as a gay man in Endgame. I think that one pisses me off the most and I’m not sure why. I subbed to both of the recommended channels, too. 👍🏼


The things that really irks me from the media, especially when they're covering things like Disney are the "first gay character in a movie/show" Lafou was the first gay char in a live action movie, there were articles about the first gay character in a Disney channel show, first in a pixar/Disney movie. Enoughs Enough, quit nitpicking for that extra little boost.


I agree! Media can be very frustrating. It builds hype to end up leaving people disappointed.
