Lexi's Play makes fun of Cassie's Shallow Personality EUPHORIA S2 E7

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In real life no one would be happy about a play written revolving their own life and their own business without their consent— even if it was a good play.


Suze reactions in this episode are hilarious she carried this chaotic finale


The differences between Rue’s description of what Cassie went through during puberty vs Lexi’s in the play was what made me realize that this is Lexi’s revenge. Sure she probably didn’t see what it was like for Cassie, but the way she treated that particular moment as a joke sealed the deal. A writer would have pondered the possibilities of what Cassie might have struggled with. Lexi treated Cassie’s uncomfortable feelings as a joke.


Suze just hyping the actor who played her is really taking me out


I mean….even Kat and Maddy aren’t laughing at Cassie’s character in the play, that’s saying something.


let's be all honest if our family had a "Lexi" she would be blacklisted from all fam events after pulling out this bullshit lmao but it's fun to watch in tv show


This particular part of the play was about blaming Cassie for developing a lot earlier than her and being sexualized for it. This was cruel


As someone who has big breast being sexualized during puberty does not give one a great self image. Saying "Wow you have big knockers" to a kid who's going through body dysmorphia as a result of puberty changing their entire body seemingly overnight is not a complement. All it does is make things worse.


i actually really disliked her play. if i was her sister, and she portrayed me like that in front of the whole school, id feel awful. and to have her mom support it too? even though cassie's done some shit, shes still a kid and doesnt deserve that ridicule. all of them are still kids.


I can’t be the only one who thinks Lexi was way outta line for this. That carousel scene in particular just seemed like she was going out of her way to humiliate Cassie


i really liked lexi's play but i felt like it was more of a revenge fantasy? specifically towards her sister, and you can dismiss cassies feelings because of her actions if you want (most people do this anyways) but idk lexi isn't as great as everyone makes her out to be.


Cassie’s personality isn’t shallow. It’s insecure. It’s not exactly uncommon for teenage girls.


The play is hands down my favourite moment of all of euphoria…Lexi is iconic


Okay, I'm going to call it. I like Lexi. A lot. But what she did wasn't play writing, it was venting. It was a little bit of a revenge. No imagination was involved just unloading. Some people needed it, others not so much. That's what I think.

Edit- I understand vending can be a form of writing, of course, but what I meant is I don’t think of it ethical in her case. Usually people that write and expose real individuals and events take permission to tell the story especially when the individuals are still alive. Legally speaking, those teens (and their parents) have a case if they want to take it to court. The school would be in trouble, too, if any school would ever approve such play. I don’t say this because I dislike Lexi or anything, it’s facts. I’m in the industry and know one or two things about such cases. She may have changed their names however, in every other aspect these characters are the same.


No amount of hate inside me for Cassie will ever let me convince that Lexi did something G on this play. Whole play was so weird and came off as typical boomer vision.


People who enjoyed Lexi's play and see nothing wrong with it clearly haven't had their personal life aired out for an entire school. Everyone is calling Cassie a pick-me girl (not defending her or denying that), but imagine self-inserting into your own play WITH THE SAME NAME AND SIMILAR PEOPLE. That screams pick me.


not justifying her actions, but cassie has been through a lot more shit then lexi can even imagine so I think she actually needs help. this entire play shows lexi's lack of empathy and was nasty af, its ridiculous how lexis "way of expressing herself" is solely based on judging and ridiculing other people.


the "not like other girl" vibes im getting from lexi...


So Lexi ridicules her sister for going through puberty and being sexualized for it? Okay.


Low key might be an unpopular opinion but Lexi was out of line. I understand that this was a way of expressing herself but to air your friends and familys dirty laundry in front of strangers despite it being on good intentions. It annoys me when she begins to tear up, like did you expect your sister who you are humiliating to just sit there and take it. Doesn’t matter that Cassie was choosing to make bad choices, she doesn’t deserve to have an entire theater of strangers to laugh at her. The carousel scene was out of line too. Because let’s be honest would you want your sibling to do a play about you that portrays the worst of you?
