39 - Python Iterator Magic: Using itertools.repeat to Simplify Repetitive Tasks #python #coding

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Make an iterator that returns object over and over again. Runs indefinitely unless the times argument is specified.
Introducing the repeat function: Create an iterator that returns an object repeatedly, running indefinitely unless the times argument is specified.
Leveraging repeat for constant value streams: A common use of repeat function is to provide a stream of constant values to functions like map() or zip().
The itertools module in Python also provides a function called repeat function that behaves similarly.
These techniques allow you to easily supply constant values in various scenarios. Don't forget to like and subscribe for more Python tutorials and tips!

Python itertools, Python repeat, Python sequence operations, Python programming, Python functions, Python coding, Coding in Python, Programming in Python, Python tips, Coding tips, Programming tips, Learn Python, Python examples, Python code, Python development, Software development, make iterator, python generators, python iterators

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