Linux Creator Slams Intel Meltdown Patches | Micron Announce New GDDR6 & More

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Today, we have a ton of stuff in tech news. Linus Torvalds, the Linux creator, has slammed Intel's patches for Spectre and Meltdown, Micron have announced some cool sounding new GDDR6 solutions, AMD have cancelled implicit primitive shader driver support, and some interesting stuff on the future of TSMC.

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TSMC 0:44
AMD 2:30
Linus vs Intel 4:56
GDDR6 8:03


I think I can speak for the majority when saying we would like more money spent on production of (in this order): ddr4, gddr5, gddr5x and hbm2. Cut r&d on ddr6 and hbm3. We need help now, and pumping out low yield high cost products does zero good short term.

You go where the demand is, and advance when the market is stable. This isn’t the time to be spending 25% on R&D and expansion for the new products.

It just gets so annoying to read “We plan on spending 6 billion over the next two years expanding fabrication for gddr6 and hbm3” when 2 high quality 16 GB sticks of ddr4 are over $200 usd and gddr5 is up $0.50-$2.50 per Gigabyte (wholesale) from their already extremely high prices.

Why weren’t they running at 99.5% for the last 2 years and putting the profits into R&D then?

It’s pretty nuts when a motherboard/cpu/RAM switch has the RAM being the most expensive part on a 1600 build. Or if you go with a rendering/streaming machine with an 1800 and 32GB memory, well $319 for the CPU and $400 for the memory. Great deal.

Again, in March it was “wait until July”, then in July it was “At worst RAM and GPU prices will stabilize by September”, then in September the ram eXchange has the notes on the big 3 + Toshiba meeting where they say “no, let’s keep production low like we have to ensure at worst our profit margins stay over 200%” (not in those words but they admitted the entire thing was purposeful and to get back at retailers and wholesalers who stockpiled RAM when it was less expensive, but they were happy as pie to sell so much at the time).

So anyway, September comes and it’s wait until 2018, then when Apple needs more in mid 2018 the prices will really go through the roof”. Great news, which just keeps getting worse.

And what do they do to fix it? They spend billions on tech that probably won’t be used en mass for 2 more years. Thanks Samsung, Micron, Hynix, and all the smaller guys. I really hope they, along with GPU AIB’s/wholesalers get smashed with antitrust suits.

I know I am grasping the straws here, but they know memory demand is going to continue to skyrocket. GPU AIB’s and retailers know mining is here and not going anywhere.

Even if a 1080ti made $2 a day, there are now 5 farms with over 1 million GPU’s. Home mining may slow substantially, but not commercial mining, so F off already.

The worst part? Those companies/countries can order direct from AIB’s for normal prices. They aren’t buying 1080ti’s for $1300 usd. They are probably paying $650 or so, for aftermarket ones! F’n ck suckin’ b**ch35. Wow it makes me furious.


It would be useful for it to be optional for computers not connected to external networks in trusted environments for say research where performance loss might be high causing extra costs incurred to get the same performance back I'd think.


Linus is very frank, which I like very much. Too bad they did not go for Forcefully Unmap Complete Kernel With Interrupt Trampolines.


state actor coming into your data centre and telling you they need the patch disabled is why it would be able to be toggled


First anita sarkessian now serious security bugs/holes...


Oh, and those 100, 000 12nm hpc chips; $3.50 a piece. I am hoping they are going in a bitconnect mining gpu and not an S9 or S9+ as they use 180 chips each of I am not mistaken. Yeah, I know we are talking memory but I’m venting about everything ;^) .


Who designed those logos for Meltdown and Spectre?


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.


1:49- 2:04 SRSLY Intel? Well to your pocket.


Low on R&D is ahuge factor even though AMD is selling every Vega they produce. Vega's aren't getting into gamers systems thanks to miners and less feedback is given about Vega's functions as a gaming GPU so developing something for a product that cant be utilized is not something you should be focusing on.
Vega requires major optimizations as it is and meaby it's smarter to apply these yet released Vega technologies with better product or more polished one.


LOL Intel Vs Linus? Ok who remembered Linus Vs Nvidia.. Linus name or career have too much on it that he can call out this companies on their stupidity and the dev community will support..


Linus from Charlie Brown or then YouTube guy who's just a PR mouthpiece?


How do I make sure my computer is safe from Meltdown and Spectre?


Lets be honest AMD put the idea out there as in most cases .. also as in most cases even if they would have released it noone would have used it until Nvidia used it .. we will see this type of senario play out very soon when Nvidia chips get Asynchronous Compute on a hardware level rather than this garbage ass Software patchwork they have going in their gpus now


6:48 "What good reason would someone have to not have that turned on?"

Um, performance? Not having "complete and utter garbage" patches sandbagging my system? Not much concern for these mostly server-level and virtual-machine-level issues by average gamers and consumers?
