Navigating life as a third culture kid | Vicky Schdeva | TEDxYouth@ISPrague

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What's the impact of labels and in our increasingly mobile world? What does home mean when we live in a place that’s culturally different from where our parents originated? What are the potential advantages and challenges of life as a third culture kid? Vicky’s TEDx talk was inspired by research into the social phenomenon of TCKs.

Vicky Schdeva was born into a cross-cultural, visible-minority family and has lived in Prague for most of her life. Almost every day she navigates the multicultural, multilingual worlds of her home and her school community, and the historically more monocultural society of the Czech Republic.

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I'm 21 years old and I just learned of the term "third culture kid" today. I moved out of my home country at the age of 4. I've never lived in one country for longer than 5 years. I had pledged/sung 3 different national anthems by the age of 8. Big thanks to Ted Talks for providing a platform to discuss this topic and Vicky Schdeva for such a genuine, informative speech.


I was born in Ukraine, with Polish roots in my family, grew up in the Czech Republic, and have been living in Scotland for the last 6 years. Thanks for your talk, very inspiring :)


Very relatable and story of my life. I’ve learnt to change my identity and behaviour according to who I am talking to☺️


What a great presentation! This is my third TEDx Third Culture Kid video to watch, and the way TCKs were described here made me see many similarities between TCKs and newlyweds. Early in marriage, couples face unique challenges when they uproot from their two separate family cultures and come together to create their own new culture, particularly if a move across a state or country is involved.


How does this not have more views? This explained so many things for me


oh I so relate to being a chameleon! this was my adaptive strategy, and to become a really good listener so that I wasn't in the limelight, feeling vulnerable and exposed for my differentness. this has made being 'authentic' very challenging for me, as I am always seeking cues outside of myself for how to behave, rather than acting from within my own sense of self, without so much self-vigilance, anxiety and self-consciousness.


1. What does the speaker identify as 3 advantages of being a Third Culture Kid?
Adaptive (successful at fitting in), cross and change cultures easily (excellent interpersonal and intercultural skills), extremely open-minded (expand worldview), and live in the moment.

2. According to the cultural iceberg referred to in the presentation, what might be an example of a surface culture ideal as opposed to a deep culture ideal for a Third Culture Kid?
Surface Culture: Behavior, words, customs, traditions
Deep Culture: beliefs, values, thought processes, assumptions,
Example: A girl is submissive because of her Indian culture which states that Indian children must be submissive.

3. Using the definition of a Third Culture Kid from the presentation, describe your feelings about the following statement: “The third culture kid builds relationships to all the cultures, while not having full ownership in any.”
In my view, it sounds that third culture kids intake a sense of identity from each culture but can't fully identify with any culture.

4. How is the idea of being a Cognitive Miser a disadvantage to a Third Culture Kid?
The disadvantage is the people reduce a TCKs identity to something simplistic and easy to understand but that can not encompass the whole truth.

5. What does the speaker identify as being 3 disadvantages of a Third Culture Kid?
People not understanding multi-cultural identity, obligated to change identity and appearance.

6. How does the concept of a Cultural Chameleon make you feel?
It makes me feel sad that this woman feels subject to changing in every situation, but I can also relate as I feel this way around Christians and non Christians.

7. As a missionary to refugee families and based on what you’re learning about Third Culture Kids, what do you think would be the most important truth you could communicate to an adolescent or teenage Third Culture Kid?
They belong in God's Kingdom.


a very helpfull informative speech that helped me to understand more about TCK's. This should have more likes and views!


I understand what she is saying but being a genealogist and tracing my family tree. I learned that a branch of my family migrated from Navarre, Spain to Belgium to Holland to NY to Canada. It took many years to get to Canada (1500-1700s). Combined with 3rd Gen and 4th Gen German & Norwegian. I look like a typical idea of a Norwegian kid. I grew up with very 1950s melting pot traditions in the US. After WWII no one in my family talked about our heritage so what should have passed down was lost. The family that came from Spain... Left because of their religious beliefs and there was this little thing called the Spanish Inquisition... If you did not convert to Catholicism... You forfeited your life. They wanted religious freedom and am thankful they did


My children are Romanian - American and we've lived all their lives in Romania, but are getting ready to move to the U.S. and half of my family doesn't understand that my kids are not just little American's and that, actually, the U.S. is a foreign country to them so I have been seeking information to send them that will hopefully help them understand and this video is just excellent! Thanks!


I’m in my 50 and the TCK term came out awhile back. I grew up a TCK. I’m an American who grew up in a foreign European country. Now almost 30 years back in the US those 14 years still heavily influence me as a person because it was during my formative years.
I get frustrated with my wife and daug because sometimes my brain switches.


Great speech! It allowed me to understand tck :)


came here because im writing my common app essay on being a third culture kid ahah


Thank you for sharing. Very interesting thoughts. Is there a community of third culture kids to share our thoughts?


I'm half Hungarian, half Italian but was born in England!


I think that as long as you're living in a "developed country", then you'll do alright as a third culture kid.
