Rereading vs TBR pile

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I've reread 10 books this year so far and my TBR is not really shrinking.

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I definitely know what you mean! This year I've only reread a few books so far, and have read quite a lot of my new books from my TBR pile. But I want to reread books because, like you say, rereading is so much fun, and a great way to relive magical memories from the first time. Over the summer I think I'll probably reread some of my favourite long books (as opposed to short books), since I have the most time to dedicate to them.
Ultimately, both reading new books and rereading old books is fun, and having fun is the only thing that matters when you're reading. If you don't have fun and force yourself to read new books all the time, it might start to feel like a chore.


I rarely ever reread, but there are some books I do want to reread. I haven't picked them up again yet though.


My struggle with my tbr pile is that i buy them faster than i read them - this moment i have 100+ books in my tbr. But if i am in the mood for re-read - and this year i have made at least 2 re-reads - i will do it. Having fun with your reading is what matters. And if you have that notion that you are not in the mood for new books and stopped buying, then you are fine. When the call to re-read ends, you will swing back in to the hang of new releases/books. Don´t stress about it because you have  channel - you are managing to keep it active with loads of discussion vídeos, which is refreshing - i like it a lot.


Yep, that's pretty close to what happens every time I'm looking for something to read!


If you enjoy re-reading then I'd say it's fine. Reading is supposed to be fun, not a chore.
But I feel the same stress, from the aforementioned, self ascribed chore, of reading my TBR pile. I'm so close to finishing (I started from about 225 books about 1.5 years ago) and I already have it planed out in my mind, that once I finish I'll re-read my favorite books, that I haven't read for years.
So good for you for reading like you're meant to: for the experience and the joy.


This year I've done a lot more rereading - probably for every 2 new books I reread a book. I like that balance.


I never reread books I have read as an adult, but when my children were growing up I often reread books they were assigned just in case they wanted to discuss them with me. (Not one ever asked me a single question about any of those books except could I help them find it when they misplaced it...sigh!) This was such a fun video to watch. Thanks for sharing.


I do reread sometimes, and it's usually just because I feel like it. I do try to organize my books to make my TBR very visible, and up front though so that I can be reminded that I want to read those books.


I love rereading, too! It feels like going home, visiting my favourite characters, their worlds - it's so nice :-) On the other hand, yes, there are moments when I look at my shelves and I go: "Oh, this has been here for too long! Should probably read it already." But, you know, if I feel like rereading I just go for it. Often makes me even more excited for new books and adventures.


I say "read what makes you happy". I review books, and as a result have a TBR that spands 1000+ books. As you can well imagine, such a vast TBR pile doesn't leave me much time to reread. If the mood strikes however, I will make the time.


I do this so often! I once read the same book three times in a row because I didn't have anything on my TBR pile that I was in the mood for. I recently moved across the States (Washington State to Virginia) with only what I could fit in my small car, so that made me purge all of the books I've already read in favor of the ones I hadn't. It was painful, but I think necessary. I've been having such fun reading new things!


I to reread books. When I was in high school, I'd reread all my books, all the time. Everything on my shelf, almost, I'd read multiple times. But, that being said, I don't tend to reread as many books anymore, because of my TBR. Also, having had a baby 2 months ago, I don't get in as much reading as I had beed, period! I'd love to reread a book a month, in addition to a few TBR books, each month, but that just doesn't happen nowadays...I'm lucky to finish a book, maybe 2, per month.


OH THE CONSTANT STRUGGLE! I currently have the problem that I WANT to reread a lot of books and made all these plans of rereading for 2016 but I just end up being so busy with new releases and sequels that I only got to maybe a fourth of what I wanted to reread this year. It's definitely hard to prioritize my TBR pile over the rereads.. but new releases and sequels is what's keeping me from getting to either currently :D


OMG yes.I'm in that phase where in I try to avoid looking at the books in my tbr pile.


I reread a lot, and I also have a considerable TBR pile, but I just don't sweat it. I read what I want to read and what makes me happy and what I crave at the moment. If I never get to some books in my TBR oh well, I am sure I'll eventually pass it on to my little sister or my eventual nieces/daughter a and they will enjoy it. There are worse things than a House full of books, whether read or unread.


I don't often re-read mainly as my tbr is starting to get a little out of hand (who am I kidding - it got out of hand years ago....) but there are a couple in my collection which I do re-visit every now and again. It's an eternal battle to read new books or re-read favourites! :)


My husband is always laughing at me for re-reading books- I like to tell him I'm getting my money's worth from them! But that doesn't stop me buying new ones!!


Rereading is so comforting, and I think a good book should offer you more on a reread. I just try to read what I feel like at the time - though I do have a lot of books on the tbr!


Love that you're re-reading so much
I'm kind of the opposite; I really want to re-read a bunch of books, but then there are all the shiny new books (well, the story is new, the books might not always be..)


I actually wish I re-read more and would learn to let my TBR pile be for a while! It's a constant struggle either way :)
