Data Fetching with React Suspense and Recoil (Part 1)
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Recoil JS and React Suspense are both new, exciting technologies that, I think, will change how we fetch data and approach state management in React apps. In this tutorial video, we're going to be using Recoil and Suspense to build onto our existing design tool from a previous video.
00:00 - Intro
00:20 - App Overview
01:20 - Fetch Image Dimensions
04:05 - Add Suspense Boundaries
08:34 - Update Element Size
10:36 - What's next?
A bit more about Recoil:
There are a bunch of existing state management solutions out there such as Redux and MobX, but these solutions can require a lot of boilerplate or have a steep learning curve.
Recoil was released by Facebook a few weeks ago as an experimental state management library. The main difference between Recoil and existing solutions is that it's incredibly simple and it feels like you're just writing react.
Further reading/watching:
What is React Suspense? (including Suspense for Data Fetching)
React Suspense Introduction (Data Fetching)
Enhancing Data-Fetching with React Suspense and Error Boundaries
React Suspense Tutorial - 5 Real-World Examples - Data Fetching, Lazy Load, Code Splitting!
Data Fetching with React Suspense and Recoil (Part 1)
Data Fetching using React Suspense and Error Boundary - React Data Fetching Patterns.
Modern Data Fetching in React (Complete Guide)
First Look at ReactJS Suspense For Data Fetching
How does react Suspense work?
Data Fetching with React Suspense and Recoil (Part 2)
Master React Suspense for Data Fetching #React
React Suspense Data Fetching
React 18 startTransition, useTransition, and Suspense for data-fetching
Webinar | Data fetching with React Suspense
First Look at React Suspense for Data Fetching
Fetching Data Doesn't Get Better Than This
Suspense and Error Boundaries in React 18
Write Clean Code with React Suspense | React Error Boundaries Explained
Data fetching in React using Suspense | React Concurrent Mode
React Suspense - (Suspense for Data Fetching) React for Professionals #reactjs #frontendmaster
Learn React Error Boundaries In 7 Minutes
Master React Data Fetching with Suspense #React
Lazy Loading Components and Data with React’s Suspense
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