Beyond Code Live X: NerdFonts in Windows Terminal & WSL / WSL2 (Linux)

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Here's how to get NerdFont working on Windows in the new Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store, and in WSL.
1. Install VS Code (turn on all options)
2. Install NerdFont via Webi
3. Update Font Preferences
4. Install lsd
5. Enjoy!
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1. Install VS Code (turn on all options)
2. Install NerdFont via Webi
3. Update Font Preferences
4. Install lsd
5. Enjoy!
Beyond Code:
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AJ's Live Streams:
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#softwaredevelopment #softwareengineer #webdevelopment #webdeveloper
Beyond Code Live X: NerdFonts in Windows Terminal & WSL / WSL2 (Linux)
Beyond Code Live X: Nerdfont in Windows Terminal & Linux (WSL & WSL2) [take 2]
[draft] Beyond Code Live X: Nerdfont in Windows Terminal & Linux (WSL & WSL2)
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