Fez | The Completionist

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Fez was part of the new-age indie games that told stories, made you think, had deeper meanings than your average pixel based game. But with such a complex development, how did these points get across? Find out in my Fez review!

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Fez is a unique 2D to 3D platformer indie game created by Phil Fish. Described as eccentric and abrasive, Phil Fish lead his game through an insane development period and is in Indie Game the movie to give you a taste of what happened. What separates Fez from your general indie game is that all the assets come together so well to tell a deeper story and allow the player to really think and ponder. The art fits the world of storytelling, only to be complimented (and possibly one-upped) by the soundtrack created by Disasterpeace. The Fez game is truly an entry in the indie game pantheon.

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I think credit should given where it's due in terms of what Fez is and the way Fish struggled to create it. Still, I think a mix of "famous" drama and his domineering personality ruined what could have made a very positively influential figure in the indie platform.


I don't think that a controversy about they creator of the game should hinder anyone (like Jirard)

Games are games. They should be judged on the GAME'S, content, not other factors.

To Jirard, if there is a new game with a controversy like this and you want to review it, then review it. Don't let the controversy limit your enjoyment


Anyone remember when Phil Fish canceled Fez 2?


I just wanted to say that is a really cute thumbnail, especially with the beard.


I'm having flashbacks to that freaking 4 cube clock that ranges from waiting one minute to two days


That's it, I'm cancelling Fez 3.


It's funny how even someone simply showing cavestory, showing that it's remembered as a game as a whole, is enough to make me smile. It may not have its own episode, but even a nod to it shows it the respect that most people don't.


Jirard, have you ever thought of completing Hollow Knight? I feel like it would be perfect for the Completionist. Thanks for doing all that you do, I love the show!


One of my favourite games and soundtracks of all time.
Wish i could play it for the first time again


Man, I need a memory wiping device so I can experience Fez again or the first time. One of my all time favourite games.


The memory I have of Fez that sticks out the most happened the first time I played the PC version (didn't play the 360 version a huge amount before that), and my copy of Fez literally crashed, for real, at the very moment the "fake" crash happens the first time you meet the big cube! LOL.


Completionist, you're the best man. I just love your videos and I'm glad to see you really thrive. I've seen all of your episodes and still love watching them all.


So that's what It Follows has to do with this week's game. The MUSIC!

Also, complete Brütal Legend


I just find it odd that someone so aggressive could make such a relaxing game. Maybe it was all just pent up after all the serene of the game


You know, this channel is actually pretty goddamn amazing. Jirard is constantly playing and beating gaming 100% then goes and makes a 20+ minute long video about it and then still has enough time to beat a new game 100%. I could never do that!! I tried beating Lego Star Wars when I was younger and I just couldn't do it. The fact that a game is beaten like twice a week is incredible to me. Keep it up Jirard, you'll have 1 mil subs by summer!


Phil Fish is awful, but Fez is fun. Hope you enjoyed it, Jirard.


I beat this game when it released on Xbox 360, I absolutely love it. There is so much insane detail and secrets everywhere. That secret alien language and all of that. There has never been another game like it, and I wish we had gotten a sequel


I love how mentally interactive Fez is regarding spatial learning and awareness


Fez holds a special place in my heart, I remember recommending it to you on tumblr, and I'm so glad you checked it out. I'm surprised you didn't look into the heart-cube room secret code - but it doesn't really do anything so You didn't really miss out (It's still a very interesting thing to theorize about).

I'd glad you rated it as you did, I think everyone should experience this game, despite the creator.


Ahhh fez, the ultimate "hate the jerk, not the work" piece of work to ever come out.
