Finland's Formula for School Success: Education Everywhere Series

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Early intervention and sustained individual support for every student are keys to educating the whole child in Finnish schools.

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I live in Finland and it is very true that we can't wait till school starts every morning. We really enjoy to be in the classroom and they provide free education, food and even special teachers for those who are disable. It has perfect atmosphere.


Being educated in Finland really was a huge privilege. I spent long periods of school years in hospital due to health problems, and my school definitely made sure I would not fall behind. All the material was either faxed or e-mailed to the hospital where a teacher would help me. In a country where social exclusion is a real problem, this sort of policy really made a huge difference. Even when special education - not a term I prefer - was needed, it was not made out to be a huge, alien thing.


For starters. there are no private Schools. here, no matter rich or poor. you can get the same education.


While doing my research in preparation to begin home educating my son I studied the educational system of Finland in depth and loved what I found out. Education of the whole child. My kudos to the people of Finnland for a wonderful system of education where the child comes first!


Im from the US inner city public school system and I say


What a concept! Getting help to kids who need it, when they need it! Outrageous idea!


I wish I had this education during my elementary/primary school. I felt like a failure during my childhood for not being able to read, write, and do math at the level my peers were. I blame the education system and my parents for not identifying that I need assistance for the fundamental skills. Each side blamed the other for their responsibility when in reality it just affected me on whether I was even smart enough to go to school. As an adult I don’t want to see my younger family members have this struggle. The US doesn’t have this system so the best best thing is charter schools and home school.


Very appreciating.. This system should also be practiced in USA for better results.


Here in USA schools area about accountability! They need to get the "numbers " to get founds! In others words, students need to pass the standardized test. Not enough students passing in a school, school closedown.


Brilliant the children in Finland are so fortunate.❤


It makes me feel extremely sad and pitiful when I reflect on the education India has provided me, especially upto high school days. And to think that the same fate is being passed on to my younger brothers and sisters, gosh! Everything is done and aimed at just scoring marks in the huge number of standardised tests for which students need to appear. There is zero learning here.


We Pakistani/Indian or sub-continent's students are getting education in very disastrous situation. I really appreciate the education system in Finland, New Zealand and Canada. and i hope that system will prevail too in our society.


I particularly am intrigued by how composed, calm, articulate and on point all of the interviewees are. This could result from the fact that only select people get to become teachers in Finland. However, I suspect such a quality perhaps came down from Finland's culture of burden sharing if you will. In other words, it is considerable sense of humanity. Despite the fact that Finland occupies our free market reality, Finland has realized that humanism is above the market. In a Buddhism term, they all seem to be in the moment. I believe it is a kind of quality which other teachers could start incorporating.


The thing is, we do not apreciate what we have until we realise how good it is. I remeber not liking school when I was younger, but now that I have matured some I can see how lucky we are in Finland. Back then school meant you didn't have time to do ther things you enjoyed more, but really, compared to other countries, Finnish schools are kind of lax when it comes to how much work we acctualy do, but we still come out of it knowing more than most kids our age in other countries do.


High Five Finland! You are doing it really, really well.


I really love the best educational system for the children because the best gift to children nothing expect education
This because of best way teachs


In Canada special education is basically "easier work" rather than trying to teach them the skills required to be able to learn normally.

Americans look at Canada is a paradise but we look at the Nordics in the same vein.


As a school psychologist in the USA, I have sat in on what Finland calls "student welfare" meetings.  In different states, districts or schools here they are called by fairly similar names and are conducted with similar participants (teachers, parents, psych, counselors, principal, special education consultants, etc.) and talk about similar issues (attention problems, behavior, learning disabilities, etc.) The difference I think that has Finlands education of special needs students in the top of the world ranking in comparison to the USA would be that all the suggested outcomes are actually funded!  I could suggest remediation or pull-in classroom help, or special technology or any a number of things for a student, but nobody EVER had the money to fund anything.  Talented special educators were worked to the brink trying to serve the amount of students that needed help, and special education funds were minimal, and guarded like gold, for only the most severe cases.  It made the whole process a laughing stock, because a general classroom teacher would bring a students case to such a meeting knowing that there would be no funding for a reasonable accommodation or outcome for that student.  Thats what I perceive the difference being.


Finland is the answer – a country rich in intellectual and educational reform has initiated over the years a number of novel and simple changes that have completely revolutionized their educational system.


the most important thing to educate a child is to make it fun.we all love to be happy and sometimes it's more like punishment to learn.
