Best Keychain Flashlight for EDC (Everyday Carry)

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The search is on to find the perfect keychain flashlight for everyday carry. I always EDC a keyring torch in my pocket and so it has to be small, lightweight and practical. But which one?

This channel is here to help you find great travel and carry gear on the back of solid and detailed reviews along with years of experience. I also hope to give you ideas and inspiration when it comes to everyday carry gear, travel gear and gadgets, which make life a little bit easier and perhaps more fun.

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If looking to purchase check Aurora are 3rd generation with USB-C port for latest model.

Supplier affiliate links:

Rovyvon Website. International shipping.

Olight Links:
Use JonGadget for 10% discount

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Contents of this video to help you navigate:

00:00 - Keychain Flashlights
00:23 - Criteria for this selection
01:12 - New Rovyvon A8 USB-C
04:31 - Stop Press - Operation Change
05:41 - Operation of Aurora A8
07:23 - Rovyvon A2
08:08 - Rovyvon E Series Introduction
08:48 - Rovyvon E Series Range
12:46 - Fenix E03R
14:23 - Nitecore Tini 2
16:07 - Olight iR2 Pro
17:00 - Olight iE3 EOS
18:00 - Comparing Light Beam Patterns
18:46 - Conclusions

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For this review some lights were purchased and some have been provided by the supplier for this review. Views are entirely my own. No supplier has influenced this review or has seen or contributed to the video content.

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When it comes to sourcing a product for review, I will usually either  purchase and item personally or reach out to a supplier requesting a sample for review.  Most suppliers, after seeing the channel, are supportive if they are confident in their product, appreciating the value of greater exposure.

I am sometimes asked to review a product by a supplier which I will only agree to if the product fits the channel and I believe will be of interest to you, my audience.  Also the product needs to be worthy of a review.  It is not in my interest to review inferior or poor quality products and therefore as you might expect many requests are politely declined.

Any sponsored videos (paid for reviews) are clearly stated as such so there can be no misunderstanding.  Even with sponsored reviews I will only agree to a sponsorship on products and services which I believe will be of genuine interest to viewers.

I will always make reference in the video to products which have been provided for review by a supplier and I always make it clear to the supplier that they cannot influence or be involved in the review in any way if they choose to supply a product.

Sometimes a supplier will provide a link to the product or the supplier which I am happy to include in the description.  Sometimes I will be provided with an affiliate link so I can earn a commission on sales and this helps to support channel costs but never at the expense of an honest review.

If a product I have reviewed is available from Amazon I will often include an Amazon link in the description.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you.


I really appreciate the feedback in the comments - I find it a source of knowledge and inspiration - so thank you to all of you who take the time to contribute. I have recently found that if I continue to respond to all the comments as the number of videos builds, it takes time away from being able to produce new content which would be very counter productive! - so my aim is to read everything I can and reply when I can, after each video goes live, until the next video goes live a week later. I'll see how that works out 😊

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Рекомендации по теме

I never buy rechargeable flashlights and after going through a category 5 hurricane that killed 2975 (according to the government) or 4645 (according to Harvard) that left us without power for 3 months, I cannot stress the importance of using ordinary batteries. I live below the poverty line and didn't have a generator to recharge phones or batteries. I did have a small cache of batteries for emergencies. When the mail started working, my gringo friends from a PC gaming community sent me so much food, batteries and water that I was able to share for weeks with my neighbors. I fed 4 families with their supplies. I love those guys. But I digress; thing is, for real emergencies common batteries are a must. The Rovyvon A8 USB-C really looks nice tho. Maybe someday I can be able to get one.


British call it a torch and the Americans call it a flashlight I'm surprised the Australians that doesn't call it a Flashie or a Torchie


I have a bunch of flashlights but it's usually the Olight iE3 in my pocket. And I got it for free (just had to pay shipping) when I bought another Olight. I use a lithium battery and it's pretty good. It actually does have two modes. It has a moonlight mode that you access by putting your fingers in front of the light and obstructing most of it. :)


Anyone else not realize the cornucopia of amazing flashlights now available until they stumbled across this chap’s channel?


I've always found the biggest frustration with 'EDC' lights is never really knowing how much juice you've got, or running out of power when you most need it. Changing batteries in the dark in an emergency is no fun. Onboard charging make it much easier to stay topped up, but the 'dual fuel' RovyVon is a game changer IMO. A lithium primary AAA has a shelf life of 10 years, so you always know that if your onboard LiPo quits on the job you've got a plan B at your fingertips. Best of both worlds.


Hello Jon, long timer viewer first time commenting. I enjoy your EDC videos which are both informative and entertaining. I am a big fan of the Rovyvon keychain flashlights. When I first discovered them, I bought 6 A1's for Christmas gifts and 1 A3 for myself. I still carry the A3 as my EDC. I also have triple A Lumintop and a triple A Nightfox to round out my collection for different EDC options. Thanks again for your honest reviews. Relaxing Rain Walker


After careful consideration and study, I recently bought a RovyVon E7. The features are great, and the added benefit of a AAA backup battery is brilliant! And living in the woods of East Texas, the UV light is especially important for the locating of scorpions. Under a UV light these little monsters glow a bright florescent yellow. Makes for a safer way to locate and kill them quickly. I never am without the E7.


I just bought the Midnight Manager SAK and in all the EDC videos everybody in the comments was talking about how lame the torch is on it. I’ve had occasion to use the torch since I got it (taking the rubbish bins to the street in the middle of the night) and it does the job of lighting my way just fine. I mean it doesn’t turn night into day like some of these standalone lights, but it adequately highlights obstacles within six feet or so. Another torch on my keyring would be overkill.
That said, it would be good if it had a “stay on” function.


What a great lineup by Rovyvon. They are truly number 1 in my book


My vote is for the Olight IR2 Pro. I used to carry a Rovyvon, but didn't like it (older model with micro-USB). I found that it kept turning on in my pocket. I moved the clip around to cover the button, but then getting to it was inconvenient. Locking the button (if the light supports it) is an interesting concept, but just another hoop to jump through when you need the light. Twist to turn on is the best from a convenience standpoint. To me, at least, that is much more important than features or absolute maximum brightness.


I have carried a Fenix E01 on my key chain for several years. I love that very small simple AAA flashlight. I recently discovered that model was no longer available. I did find the new model that is now called the E01 V2. It functions the same so I bought two of them to be safe. I would be lost without my tiny key chain light. I do have larger flashlights with all the bells and other crap but they are too big for my key chain.


Been waiting for a keychain flashlight video for a long time. ....I've always been a fan of the Maglite AAA LED Solitaire. Built in the USA, inexpensive, durable and reliable. The ease of the twist on/off mechanism feels natural in my hand. So light that I'm able to also carry an extra battery (in battery capsule) with me at all times.


The clear bodied Rovyvons are just packed with awesome features 👍


Excellent presentation! I've carried the Nitecore Tini2 for a while now and find it to be as close to perfection for my needs as I can imagine. The humble Nitecore Tube, however, still holds a place in my low-budget heart.


I carry I3T EOS, and it can run for ~70 minutes on rechargeable nickel AAA. They're usually sold in packs of 2, and carrying spare AAA is pretty easy as it doesn't take much space and virtually no weight.


Thanks to you I picked up many gadgets including the A8. Not sure if I should thank you or be pissed off because I just spent around $700 in one day 😂😂😂😂😂


I agree that these are great (if not the best) KEYCHAIN flashlights (they glow in the dark!), and I have 3 different versions to live side by side with all 3 sets of my car keys. But for true everyday POCKET carry, I go with the Rovyvon A28. It is a bit larger at only 3 inches, but it is obviously a more powerful and more versatile Big Brother to the A8.


Thank you for videos! I picked up the Nitecore FSP 30 and now I can charge all my EDC gear by solar, it works great i recommend it for anyone as it is a great emergency piece of gear.


I've been using my Rovyvon A28 for close to 2 years now, after giving my A5 to my girlfriend. The battery life is awesome and it kicks out a bunch of light. It is however a bit bulkier than the A5 and similar, but that isn't really an issue for me. Love this little thing, whether during camping excursions, fixing some stuff at home or just trying to see into some nook.


17:00 ....following your video...I like the basic on and off option...and One battery.
I enjoyed your review / comparison video...and bought up 5 Olight i3E EOS keychain lights, for only $65 cad. I'll be gifting them all out to family members.
Thanks again for your assistance.
Have a Wonderful New Year !!
