Tips for canning with Weck jars

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In this video, I talk about my experiences using Weck jars instead of Mason jars, and essential tips you might need to know if you're interested in this cute, low-waste option. 🍓 Canning with Weck jars, although spendy for US customers because they're imported, offers some unique benefits. In times where canning supplies are hard to keep in stock, these jars make it so you don't have to buy new supplies very often.


This video originally launched with a giveaway! The giveaway is over, but if you'd like to try out Weck jars here are two sizes I recommend (affiliate links):

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German here. My family (dating back to my maternal great-grandmother) is using WECK jars for more than 80 years now. They are GREAT value for their money OVER HERE (in Germany/continental Europe). Their main benefit is the fact that the food contacts nothing but pure glass.
Me and others have used them in a pressure canner, but they have a tendency to get the rubber gasket pushed out, even when using 3-5 clips instead of just 2. So for pressure canning I went with twist-off lid jars, which are also reuseable.
For traditional waterbath-canning, though, it is WECK jars for me.
My wife has just recently repurposed WECK-jars from the early 1950s (their old system, no longer rubber seals and clips available) to dry-store our homemade glazed & roasted almonds for Christmas time. So nice to see that stuff made more than half a century ago is still useable and going strong.


What size are you holding? Nara smith using these jars brought me here lol x


Thank you. We are not familiar with these jars in the USA. I just found your channel and I'm very glad I did!


Absolutely fascinating, this is the first I'm hearing of this jar.
Although, they do look strangly familiar.
OK, I'm a 62 yo man recently divorced and learning to can food. I'm also learning to cook so I dont starve.
I will be your next subscriber.


I haven’t canned before. But this would give me great incentive to


Never heard of those jars Making Garden Magic, thank you for the info. Do you have any experience with Tattler Lids and rings? And currently our favorite thing to can is tomatoes, for the reason that we are successful, we want that thing to be pickles, and hopefully with your pickle video that can be a thing.


I saw these jars a few months ago, I like the way they look but boy are they pricey. I love canning everything. The easiest are tomatoes but I really like canning chicken or pork chunks. They are so versatile and nice to have on hand.


I see how they are more expensive upfront. Im 40 so hopefully i have 40 more years of canning and this whole rebuying lids and rings seems crazy. Thinking of using up what i have a slowlu switching over .


My favorite thing to can is jalapeño jelly


My favorite thing to can chicken broth. It seems to be such a money saver! Thanks for this video, I had never heard of these and look forward to trying them out!


I love to can sour cherry pie filling. Just ordered weck jars to can my next batch!!


1. they are that expensive because they are produced in Germany and imported to the US. Like Mason Jars here in Europe.
2. As long as the rubber ring is still smooth, has no cracks and still fits on the intended jars they are fine. When they become hard and have cracks replace them. Never store them hanging. Always stack them.
