Rethinking Churchill | Ralph Raico (1994)

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"In a way, Churchill as man of the century would be totally appropriate. The 20th century has been the century of the state, of the welfare state and of the warfare state. And Churchill was, from first to last, a man of the state, the welfare state and of the warfare state."

Ralph Raico (1936–2016) was professor emeritus in European history at Buffalo State College and a senior fellow of the Mises Institute. He was a specialist on the history of liberty, the liberal tradition in Europe, and the relationship between war and the rise of the state. He is the author of The Place of Religion in the Liberal Philosophy of Constant, Tocqueville, and Lord Acton.
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I like that you're rolling out the old classics. Not everybody digs through all the old videos like I do,


"...which just shows what studying Leo Strauss for 30 years does for you, you become a moron." 🤣


I’m glad to know Ralph Raico in person, great historian, great friend.


00:13 🌐 Churchill's association with the 20th century aligns with the rise of the state, welfare state, and warfare state, reflecting his commitment to state power throughout his career.
01:09 🔄 Despite Churchill's reputation, there's an argument that he lacked consistent principles, with a bias toward expanding state power evident in his actions.
02:16 🎙 Churchill's opportunism and lack of consistent principles were notable, as seen in his party affiliations, policy shifts, and strategic alliances.
03:37 🤔 Churchill's stance on socialism fluctuated; pre- and post-World War I, he opposed it, but during the war, he supported war socialism and advocated nationalization for the welfare state.
04:47 🚩 Despite Churchill's anti-communist stance, he expressed admiration for Mussolini, appreciating his use of hyper-nationalism to counteract Leninism.
05:29 ⚖ Churchill's alliance with Stalin during World War II, despite knowing about Stalin's atrocities, raises questions about his geopolitical decisions and priorities.
06:41 🌐 Churchill's love for the British Empire contradicted his stated goal of preserving it, as he presided over its eventual dissolution.
08:51 🚀 Churchill's passion for war, reflected in his early fascination with toy soldiers, military education, and love for combat, shaped his worldview and priorities.
09:23 🌍 Churchill played a role in the early welfare state in Britain, supporting social insurance policies and the expansion of state functions while emphasizing individualism.
11:57 💰 Churchill's decisions during the hunger blockade of Germany had severe consequences, costing the lives of around 750, 000 German civilians.
14:15 ⚓ Churchill's involvement in the sinking of the Lusitania is debated, but he set up conditions making it likely, contributing to the U.S.'s eventual entry into World War I.
18:25 🌐 Churchill's determination to defeat Hitler overshadowed any consideration for peace negotiations, reflecting his single-minded focus on wartime objectives.
23:11 🇺🇸 Documents reveal FDR told Churchill in 1941 about seeking an incident to justify hostilities against Nazi Germany, highlighting strategic manipulation for U.S. entry into the war.
24:21 🌐 Churchill expressed satisfaction at the Pearl Harbor attack, seeing it as a means to involve the U.S. in World War II.
26:28 ⚖ Churchill's General Harris executed the bombing strategy that targeted German cities and civilians, causing widespread destruction and casualties.
27:27 🔥 Dresden was heavily bombed under Churchill's direction, resulting in significant civilian casualties and cultural losses.
28:10 💣 Churchill expressed concerns about bombing German cities solely for terror, but the orders were carried out, raising ethical questions.
29:06 🪓 Churchill's involvement in strategic decisions, like bombing campaigns and supporting Tito, challenges hishistorical image.
30:15 🌍 Churchill's lack of foresight regarding the post-war consequences in Europe, especially regarding Germany's fate, is criticized.
31:01 🏛 Churchill's role in advocating for national compulsory insurance aligns with the creation of the welfare state, contributing to the overall critique of his legacy.


This was great. Thanks for digging these up. Ralph Raico was the man!


God bless this man. Raico’s quick wit and sarcasm were second to none.


Lol, of course Jaffa loves Churchill...


Didn’t he massacre tens of thousands of Indians?


well he was an alcoholic would have smelled awful with that cigar
