New to photography - START HERE with Aperture priority.

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About Photo Genius

About this video
Aperture is a photography mode that is great for beginners (also used by professionals) and will help you to get more from your camera and take creative photos.

#photographytips #aperture #photogenius
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Probably the best channel on YouTube for teaching camera skills.


Your channel is truly the only channel that finally helps me understand the technical side of photography. I appreciate you so much. Thank you very much!


Because the numbers are "reversed", I always think of it as the F-number being the amount that is covered, rather than the amount left open. That way, at F22, quite a lot of the element is covered, while at F4, a smaller amount is covered. At F1.2, almost none of it is covered.


I am so glad I found your channel. For me, you explained Aperture so clearly, as well as a previous tutorial you did covering White Balance. You are the first one that explained it the way I could understand how that worked.THank You and I will be back to watch a lot more.


Hi Paul, this is a very popular subject Aperture, and an important one. Your explanations and examples are easy to understand, although i'm not new to photography, and i'm not a professional i always enjoy and appreciate the content on your channel. Great presentation Paul, thank you. 😊


As a very newbie to digital photography, and being autistic, I have found this series of clips to be valuable. They explain things in a very simplistic fashion and support it with demonstrations so that the visual learners amongst us can follow along. Thank you.


Another thing to learn about your aperture control is finding your lens' sweet spot (sharpest) were it gives the best depth of field at your lens' Infinity mark. This can very from lens to lens at what f-stop is its sharpest. Another problem is high f-stops can start producing (depending on lens quality) color fringing of unwanted color along edges of objects in a photo, Chromatic Aberration. (May be able to correct in Lightroom) That's why it's good to know your lens' sweet spot f stop and only go over to higher f-stops if you really need to control bright light.
Bokeh (lens blur) occurs when your subject is within the focusing distance of your lens (the feet or meter range on the lens, not at Infinity) meaning the closer you get to your subject the more lens blur and less depth of field. Bokeh can be enhanced by a larger aperture (low f-number) or by the longer Focal Length, longer mm of your lens. Bokeh cannot be produced at Infinity of any lens regardless of aperture.


Your simple, systematic style makes your lessons very clear


I have used Aperture priority mode for about 14 years, I have used it to photograph events, wildlife, landscapes seascapes, airshows and a host of other subjects. I have used this shooting with Pentax DSLR's Panasonic, Olympus, Fujifilm and Nikon cameras. For me controlling Aperture is a priority as depth of field is my #1 consideration. Second depending upon the subject and lighting I set ISO, I use exposure comp as needed and I also set white balance depending upon the lighting indoors and outdoors. If the shutter speed is not where I want it to be I adjust the ISO. Shooting this way gives me the control that I need to photograph in any conditions that I find myself shooting in.


Learned more about my camera watching this video than anywhere else, for a complete beginner your videos are priceless 👍


You’re the best instructor Paul. Thank you!


Argh! You’re good. And I’m learning. So I’m going to have to watch this video a couple of times. And practice. Good thing I’m a subscriber!❤


Paul, your videos are excellent. I have dug out my 700D from years ago and worked in Av and occasionally M, based on your tips. M is less daunting when the Exp comp tells you what you need to fix. I looked over my holiday photos from 2013, when I took hundreds of photos, and 95% of them are rubbish. Now I have a basic handle on ISO/SS/A I can see why I went wrong - shooting at low F stops for landscapes and family shots too. Pretty sure I was using the Canon dial presets back then, as I couldn't get a handle on technicalities of photography. It's now making sense.


Thank you so much! I'm very happy I discovered this channel. Your work really makes a difference in my (as well all the subscribers') photography journey!


Brilliant way of explaining things. So glad I found your channel. Thanks again. Amanda willans from England uk


Love your videos, you explain everything in simple terms and make it easier to understand, I have learned lots since watching your channel.👍.


Just discovered this great channel and i really needed a tutorial on Aperture priority mode for my Panasonic S5 IIX. Thank you sir!


Really helpfull for someone who wants to learn about camera and photography like me.keep on making nice and very educational videos


Thank you so much for this video! This has been my hardest to learn but you have made it a lot easier!


GREAT INFO, , , , you are a fantastic teacher!
