Ragavendra H. V. | Could PBHs and Secondary GWs Have Originated from Squeezed Initial States?
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Parallel Talk | Cosmology from Home 2021
Talk title:
Could PBHs and Secondary GWs Have Originated from Squeezed Initial States?
Ragavendra H. V.
Talk abstract:
Recently, the production of primordial black holes (PBHs) and secondary gravitational waves (GWs) due to enhanced scalar power on small scales have garnered considerable attention in the literature. Often, the mechanism considered to arrive at such enhanced power involves a modification of the standard slow-roll inflationary dynamics, achieved with the aid of fine-tuned potentials. In a recent work, we had investigated another well-known method to generate features in the power spectrum wherein the initial state of the perturbations is assumed to be squeezed states. This approach is technically straightforward to implement since the Bogoliubov coefficients characterizing the squeezed initial states can be immediately determined from the desired form of the power spectrum. It is known that, for squeezed initial states, the scalar bispectrum is strongly scale dependent and the consistency condition governing the scalar bispectrum in the squeezed limit is violated. In fact, the non-Gaussianity parameter characterizing the scalar bispectrum proves to be inversely proportional to the squeezed mode and this dependence enhances its amplitude at large wavenumbers making it highly sensitive to even a small deviation from the standard Bunch-Davies vacuum. These aspects can possibly aid in leading to enhanced formation of PBHs and generation of secondary GWs. However, as I shall discuss in this talk, we find that the desired form of the squeezed initial states may be challenging to achieve from a dynamical mechanism. Moreover, the backreaction due to the excited states severely limits the extent of deviation from the Bunch-Davies vacuum at large wavenumbers. I shall present the key details of our analysis and conclude with a brief outlook on the possibility of producing PBHs and secondary GWs from squeezed initial states.
Reference: H. V. Ragavendra, L. Sriramkumar and J. Silk, JCAP 05, 010 (2021), arXiv:2011.09938 [astro-ph.CO].
Talk title:
Could PBHs and Secondary GWs Have Originated from Squeezed Initial States?
Ragavendra H. V.
Talk abstract:
Recently, the production of primordial black holes (PBHs) and secondary gravitational waves (GWs) due to enhanced scalar power on small scales have garnered considerable attention in the literature. Often, the mechanism considered to arrive at such enhanced power involves a modification of the standard slow-roll inflationary dynamics, achieved with the aid of fine-tuned potentials. In a recent work, we had investigated another well-known method to generate features in the power spectrum wherein the initial state of the perturbations is assumed to be squeezed states. This approach is technically straightforward to implement since the Bogoliubov coefficients characterizing the squeezed initial states can be immediately determined from the desired form of the power spectrum. It is known that, for squeezed initial states, the scalar bispectrum is strongly scale dependent and the consistency condition governing the scalar bispectrum in the squeezed limit is violated. In fact, the non-Gaussianity parameter characterizing the scalar bispectrum proves to be inversely proportional to the squeezed mode and this dependence enhances its amplitude at large wavenumbers making it highly sensitive to even a small deviation from the standard Bunch-Davies vacuum. These aspects can possibly aid in leading to enhanced formation of PBHs and generation of secondary GWs. However, as I shall discuss in this talk, we find that the desired form of the squeezed initial states may be challenging to achieve from a dynamical mechanism. Moreover, the backreaction due to the excited states severely limits the extent of deviation from the Bunch-Davies vacuum at large wavenumbers. I shall present the key details of our analysis and conclude with a brief outlook on the possibility of producing PBHs and secondary GWs from squeezed initial states.
Reference: H. V. Ragavendra, L. Sriramkumar and J. Silk, JCAP 05, 010 (2021), arXiv:2011.09938 [astro-ph.CO].