An Entire Anime Genre is Getting Canceled and The Reason is...

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Ever since we got that PV Trailer for My Tiny Senpai last week, I've noticed a uptick in toxicity for the Romance Genre as a whole. Many are becoming clout goblins that don't even watch anime to cancel the genre.

#cancelled #anime

Love you all so much thank you for all the support!

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It’s only getting “cancelled” by people that want to make others as miserable as they are.


I’ll say it again. The ppl who genuinely go out of their way to try to "cancel" something are a bunch of sad and broke ppl. Keep eating your ice cream and crying at night 😂


Even an asshole like myself that thinks 70 percent of romance anime is lame would never want them to not exist or say negative things about people who like them.


Literally don’t understand the hate that’s going on with romance anime, came out of nowhere and to all those individuals who are hating, I WILL BE CONTINUING WATCHING ROMANCE ANIME AND IF YOU DONT LIKE IT Too bad. Gonna enjoy my romance genre to it’s fullest


The toxicity needs to stop: people should be allowed to like whatever genre they want and not be hated for it.



My favorite romances have barely any fanservice😂


this is just sad.. i bet you all these ppl hating on romance because they cant find it themselves so they are mad about it.... also my wife loves romance anime so thats just for guys DEBUNKED


The funny thing is, because of their attempts for cancelation to romance shows, they get bigger exposure and funny enough, those are very likely to get a season 2 lmao

"Uzaki-chan", "Nagatoro-san" are the obvious examples that came to mind. I can't wait for the potential season 2 of "My Tiny Senpai" lmao


If I had a million yen for every single romcom anime that received backlash and heavy criticism early via the trailers or the seasons airing etc, is have my own manga library which is a lot... Ani twitter just never learns 😅😅😅


“Genre getting cancelled” Brother nobody is trying to “cancel” anything the genre is just fucking corny 😭😭😭


For me it depends how the story is with romance because there some that are bad and there is some that I found really funny to watch like don't toy with miss nagatoro and I really enjoy that series and I do hope that we get a season 3


The video we all need. I am getting bored of most shounen anime these days and usually flock towards romance anime, just to relax. This season has A LOT of god romance anime so it's been a godsend.


People who do this don't deserve to be raged at. They deserved to be PITIED. Pity for them since they cannot comprehend the good feels that comes from seeing love developing along with the laughs. They should be called out on their bad behavior and then pitied for their lack of love.


Chibi, I am going to say something odd but I don’t care. The anime/manga industry is fortune to have you as a passionate fan. You take so much time and energy to address these issues and just sharing your opinion of the people and the anime.

You’re the best, man.


It’s really a lot targeted at Nagatoro for no reason tbh. It’s shows some who are just bored and wanna hate on something. I love Nagatoro tbh and it’s really targeted towards certain romances with incel ish mcs who are pulled up but the main girl and i meann with an actual relationship isn’t the point to build each others confidence and grow with each other


I suggested a show to a former friend of mine, and this person tried to find clips from the show to prove themselves right that they wouldn't like the show. They showed me clips having no context to try and rub it in my face for suggesting this show for them to watch and i checked them back because I did have context and I could set the record straight but its crazy that they'd waste time hunting for clips to prove a point but couldn't just watch the show to see if they'd like it or not.

Some people would rather be right then be pleasant and others would rather be angry and spiteful than even be right


They can hate all they want. This genre will keep going on strong 💪


Thank you Chibi for voicing this out! The romance anime genre has grown so much in recent years and I'm totally enjoying it. People should not comment on them if they didn't even bother to watch it.


Its terrifying thought that anime is going to become more and more toxic because its getting mainstream


I would love to see these people's reaction to Yuuji's backstory in The Labyrinth of Grisaia (the 18+ version, not the all-ages version or the anime adaptation, lol)
