Take the Trash-Free Challenge

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What would happen if 10,000 people decided not to make as much trash for one month? We could reduce the trash on Earth by over a million pounds. Take Ocean Conservancy's 30 Day Trash-Free Challenge and join the movement to stop trash before it starts.

Sign up to participate and we'll send a tip each week that will help you achieve your goal and reduce their trash. Along the way, take snapshots of yourself completing the tip and submit the photos for a chance to win an awesome reusable starter kit.
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That's why one of the three R's is 'reduce'. There are disposable items that are necessary in our lives (ie. most hospital items HAVE to be discarded instead of reused, to prevent disease and infection spreading), the trick is to only use what you must. You need toilet paper and tampons, surely: but even just using the toilet paper you need versus pulling out half the roll every time you use the toilet is less toilet paper used and bought.


what about toilet paper?
What about tampons?
