The Dollar Store Dish Soap That Turns $1 Bills into $100s

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One of the easiest ways to make money online is retail arbitrage, and one of the best ways to start retail arbitrage is by reselling dollar store dish soap using Amazon FBA. I grabbed this Dawn Ultra Dish soap from Dollar Tree to flip online and literally ANYONE can do this!
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Hi! I saw your previous video about soap, and went ahead to my Dollar Tree in L.A. and got the 7 Oz bottles of Dawn Ulra and sent them in to Amazon FBA along with my regular shipment of toys and books and games. I put a strip of tape over the cap and sealed each bottle tightly in a polybag as required by Amazon. If you read the reviews you can see multiple buyers complaining that the soap opened up during shipping and made a mess. I priced it higher than most other sellers and eventually the price reached my level as the others sold out and I made around 1.40 for every bottle that sold. What's interesting to note, is that once one of then sold it didn't take long for all my bottles to sell. (Like within 3 days). Thanks WBK, your logic is spot on and your techniques definitely work!!


" Suddenly your a dollar store soap millionaire ". I love your videos for comments like this it makes my day. We will have to make a trip to the good ol dollar tree.


Not everybody has a Dollar Tree nearby, not everybody has the ability to go to the store even it it was nearby, so buying online for convenience makes sense. Thank you for the $ info.
This is my go to channel for money making


So...a couple thoughts come to mind. I'm curious...

1. Do we have to get ungated for these dawn soaps to sell them on amazon?
2. When we send a box of these to be FBA, do we have to individually wrap them? Or, do they take the whole box, and just 'grab 1 item' when one is sold?


Hey Blake. Great video. Do you have any videos on how to source/ look for product on Amazon or would that require software?


Cool video! Thanks so much for sharing 💜


Hi thanks for sharing,

Did Dawn are not banned in the Amazon?


If you're just starting out do you have to be un gated for it?


you should have grabbed platnuim two since platnuim is more expansive then normal dawn ultra
