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Dr zakir naik replying to the student of knowledge who made videos against his last video regarding his view on masturbation. In his last video of Dr zakir naik "Masturbation is not haram or sinful but makrooh or discouraged in Islam" he said he agrees with the minority group of scholars who say masturbation is not haram but makrooh.

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Sheikh Uthmaan and Dr Zakir Naik are both among the list of my Heroes of Islam in the modern age. I pray that they work together on some scale. It isn’t about either of their pride but it’s about the benefit and evolution of the Ummah of Islam! Fear Allah, Both of you!


His art of Critical Analysis and presenting things without any prejudice makes him an outstanding scholar. May Allah protect him. May Allah bless him & strengthen him.


Masturbation with pornographic materials is forbidden in Islam, but masturbation without pornography is known to God because there is no authentic hadith or verse that speaks about that "directly", but if masturbation were good, the Messenger would not have said that you should fast.


This is not about Dr.Naik or sheikh Usman opinion ..this is about serious matters of Deen..Deen is for everyone.
How will anyone decide what is wrong and what is right if the teachers themselves are not agreen with eachother.


I request Dr Jaakir Naik to meet Sheikh Uthman in a live Video.. 😘 After that, our All doubts will come to an End.. 😘


Dr zakir naik it would be so easy for him to become a scholar mashallah very intelligent man


Honestly, one of my friends inspired by Dr. Zakir Nayek lecture that Masturbation is Makrooh not Haram so I can do it and will not be accountable for that. He is doing that and propagate with Dr. Nayek's lecture. I think many people could be inspired by Dr. Nayek's lecture which really dangerous... May Allah SWT save from sinful act.


The very fact that in all the arguments there is no mention of sayings of the prophet saw or the book of Allah even once declaring masturbation by name of the act being haram. I don't know why didnt Allah make it clear in his book just like day and night. It is clear to me that this is a debatable topic, to which there is no clear answer from Quran or ahadeeth rather opinions of scholars.
The ayat of surah mominoon can easily be taken for a man desiring any other woman not his wife or his slave, or a woman desiring a man not her husband, or even a man desiring a man ie people of lut, but to unfortunately deduce this ayat mentions masturbation is haram is a pure biased opinion. Some times common sense is not very common. This was an untouched topic by Allah and his prophet saw, yet we find many later scholars making it a subject of haram and halal. Allah knows best. Opinions are opinions but all major sins are clear as day and night and fully detailed in Qur'an and ahadith by names of the deeds.
The cognitive bias is very clear from certain named scholars who have said such and such narration is weak therefore my opinion is masturbation is haram. Even if narration is weak does not mean your cognitive bias leads to declaring an act haram where there is no clear declaration of haram for that act in Qur'an or hadith. And that is why there are some scholars with differing opinions when it comes to masturbations, while zero scholar differs on the matter of shirk, zina, alcohol etc.
I am not endorsing the act of masturbation, however logically I can not accept that it is clear from Quran and hadith that it is haram. I'm sorry no matter how ever you argue this it is unclear and may be Allah left it on purpose like this as otherwise majority of Muslim men and women will be having trouble.
If this deed can prevent zina and other issues that arise from desire then surely it's a lesser evil for unmarried teenagers who have high hormonal desires.
Addiction to masturbation is a bad thing and no one will say it's halal. But when you are young unmarried man in today's day and age, where no one gives their daughter in marriage unless a man earns, makes is very difficult for a young man to control his desires. He/ she will either indulge in zina, pornography, or even alcohol, drugs out of that carnal desire, and on top you tell them it is haram for you to do masturbation, you will open doors of major sins for these young men/ women.
Unfortunately our scholars can be sometimes very tunneled visioned, completely disconnected with the harmful effects of not releasing desire in one way or the other.
It is not Allah and his prophet who make the Deen difficult, it is pride of certain contemporary scholars who feel they can make halal and haram as they see fit, through their own concoctions and cognitive bias. This breeds a culture of relentless authority and kills debate and differing opinions in ummah once you label something haram.some of them even lead to hatred or disdain as you have made a video trying to prove that my elders feel this is haram, so I have to make a video proving Dr zakir Naik is wrong and he is quoting unauthentic narrations( mind not from prophet saw, but opinions of sahabah).
In my humble opinion brother you are also quoting opinions of this sheikh that sheikh but ( no direct reference from the book of Allah or the act of prophet saw explicitly mentioning masturbation being haram, rather using cognitive bias in deriving meanings from Book of Allah).
In summary if something is haram Allah and his rasool will not leave it to interpretation but will make it clear, as deen was complete at the time of prophet SAW. Surely Allah's book and his prophet saw would have mentioned it very clearly if this act was haram.


Never thought that this is how it will End.




This subject has confused the younger generation. Don't know who to believe.Sex without marriage is Haram, this is for sure and there is punishment for it.


Misturbation is not haraam God is no shy to talk directly the issue which are personl
People those who are claimming its not halal based upon fatwas and base less sources
Its a fact even all the Mulla come together the cnnot show us where Allah and Muhammad have talked directly about that

Dont make stupid vedio agaist Zakir
You are nothing compared to his knowledge.

Mr Utman or Mir Engineer or Mr Tariq Masood show us prove instead of talking foolishness
In Quran it is clearly written that sex outside marital affairs is haraam not misturbation so stay away from the things that you know nothing


ulama are divided on this matter. in this debate, Prophet (SAW) didn't say clearly that masturbation is Haram. so there's not a clear answer for this matter, ulama are speculating according to their understanding that whether it is haram or makrooh. in both cases it should be avoided.


DR Bilal Philips said also it's makrooh the reason he gave was that the is no direct verse prohibiting it. but maybe we need to understand the word makrooh because normally Muslims of today when we are told that something is makrooh then we make it 100% better to stay away from it to be on the safer side and may Allah forgive us


Please explain to me, if you are a rich 60 years old Emirati and is okay to relieve yourself with 4 different wives a week is some how justifiable, but the 18 years old single boy who doesn’t have the money in Bangladesh, you think he cannot do anything with his body? It’s hard to control the needs of chemical reaction in your body!


Dr.Zakir Naik made really good points.


Even if you believe that it is Makruh, you cannot say that it is Makruh in Islam.
Because if you consider the disagreement, you cannot say your opinion is Islam.


The truth its better for Dr. Zakir naik and sheik uthman meet in live video or one on one to reconcile this issue because alot of muslims ummah are very confused about this Fatwa


I dont understand the conclusion to be drawn from the ayat of surah mominoon.
When I see the videos of other scholars it seems they are right and when I watch the video of Dr Zakir Naik it seems he is right
Anyone who is confused like me
I have a suggestion that it would be better if you do not to do it because we don't know what is right.


السلام وعليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I don’t know what dr Zakir Naik wants to prove about Masturbation but to my knowledge sheikh Uthman corrected dr Zakir Naik because dr Zakir Naik have quoted some of the weak narration
