Every GREEK PHILOSOPHER Explained in 9 Minutes

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Every Greek Philosopher Explained in 9 Minutes

Socrates, frequently credited as the founder of Western philosophy, never wrote texts. We know about him thanks to his students Plato and Xenophon, who documented Socrates's teachings in the form of dialogues. Socrates is recognised for introducing the concepts of the Socratic Method and Socratic Irony.

Plato is known for the Theory of Forms and theorises that abstract, ideal forms or concepts exist independently of the physical world and that the material world is a mere reflection or imperfect embodiment of these perfect forms. These forms are considered more real and fundamental than the transient and imperfect objects we encounter in our everyday experiences.

Differing from Plato, Aristotle challenged that forms are embodied in individual entities known as Imminent Realism. Aristotle proposed that universal forms are not abstract entities existing independently in a separate realm but are instead central within individual things.

Epicurus was a pioneer of living wisely and attaining tranquillity through a balanced pursuit of pleasure. He founded the philosophy of Epicureanism, a school of thought that rejected excesses and championed a simple yet profound ethos: pleasure as the ultimate goal.

Pythagoras is celebrated for the Pythagorean Theorem, a mathematical gem that illuminates the relationship between the sides of a right-angled triangle. Yet, his contributions extend far beyond geometry. Pythagoras founded a mystical and mathematical school nurturing an intellectual sanctuary where numbers were not just tools for calculation but keys to unlocking the secrets of the universe.

Diogenes, who founded Cynicism, didn't subscribe to the Athenian menu of desires. Money? Power? Fame? Bah! Those were scraps fit for fools. True happiness, he barked, lay in stripping life bare, living in harmony with nature's gnawing, not society's gilded cage. He called it following "Right Reason”.

In today's video, we look at Every Greek Philosopher Explained in 9 Minutes

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The Allegory Cave is such an interesting theory on forms.


Love Epicurus's thoughts on life.


Epicurus was so ahead of his time that we didn't know he was ahead of his time.


Love this animation video. So straightforward.


The creators of democracy. The inclusion of all.


Bro rrly copied and thought we wouldnt notice 💀💀💀


These Greek Philosophers were educated by the Africans in Egypt.
