'No points transferred from source' error in AutoCAD Civil 3D.

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Hello Everyone!
In this video, I show you how to fix the "No points transferred from source" error in AutoCAD Civil 3D.
When trying to import coordinate points in text format into Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D the following error message appears and no Points are imported.
"No points transferred from source"

The issue is within the point file,
01. The point file was not parsed properly due to the wrong definition in the User Point File.
02. The point file has point number 0 or it has headers.
03. Incorrect delimitation or incorrect data in point file.

Try the one or more following to fix this issue,
01. Make sure there are no incorrect definitions in the user points file.
02. Ensure there is no point number 0 (zero).
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A key solution that's been missed out - SET A COORDINATE SYSTEM BEFORE IMPORTING!

Type ADESETCRDSYS in your command line then choose your coordinate system.
