Sustainable Life Hacks. Save the Planet! Be Green Eco & Earth Friendly. Reduce Waste. Sustainability

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These are some of the easiest ways I like to be sustainable and earth friendly. From using Eco friendly soap and products to some slightly less obvious ways to go green and integrate more sustainability into your life!

💖Follow me on Instagram & TikTok: @miamagik
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I'd love to see a "Day in the Life of Mia Magic" or a "What Mia eats in a day" video. What does your life really look like


Gosh i really align with this. I remember when I first started meditating... all of these unsustainable habits just started falling away. I suddenly didnt want to eat meat anymore or buy first hand. For me, doing the work has been a domino effect


I have been living as sustainable as possible for over a year, plastic free, I even make my own natural cleaners, vegan, and now I grow my own food. Since starting this, magik has been finding its way to me. :)


My husband and I turned half our back yard into a garden. We grow our own berries, green peppers, tomatoes, zucchini and some other stuff. It's fun to just go outside and pick whatever you need right from your own back yard. I also use my coffee grounds as fertilizer. I'm glad you mentioned etsy! I've been selling on there for years! Stop by...Purple Pixie Crafts. I sell pagan goodies!


I live in a very cold climate in Canada. 🥶University professors have done research about veganism here and all concluded that eating all vegan was more sustainable than eating completely local here.
Anyways I've been vegan for 5 years, thriving, and could never imagine killing an animal. Also i don't know a single hunter who doesn't also contribute to factory animal farming : they definitely don't consume exclusively vegan at the restaurant or grocery store.
Lovely video thank you! 🦋


These are amazing! Thank you 🙏🏻 will definitely be using that dish washing trick to save water 💧 As well as try your money spells to grow my sustainable sugarwax brand 🟧 🧡


I highly recommend Witch School with Mia, I'm only in week one and I already feel changes. ❤️ Thank you Mia for more amazing guidance!


What would you suggest for things like make-up?


There are SO many ways to be more sustainable. If we focus on the "reduce" and "reuse" aspects of the green triangle (cause recycling isn't the answer), we can make a huge impact - with little to no privilege. I think the big take away when we discuss sustainability is to DO WHAT YOU CAN. We all come from different backgrounds and experiences, and some of us can't stop using plastic or buying for convenience vs. cooking from scratch, etc; just do what you can and you'll be making a positive impact.


Wow I live in San Francisco and have made the trip south so many times and it didn't register in my brain that the god awful smell was slaughter houses ... That's so disgusting. I'm a vegetarian now, at the least. 🤢
Thank you for making this lovely video! 💜🌸


Mia Magik I literally love you. I agree with everything you’re saying and have felt this way for ages. I’ve been doubting myself because other spiritual leaders say do what you want and frankly promote greed (more feeling angry towards them actually because I think consumerism and unnecessarily consuming animal products is not conscious living). I’m so glad that you live so consciously too but most importantly that you are speaking so bluntly about it. It is so needed.
I want to add to the peeing outside thing that composting poo is also great if we have the option because soil is so depleted atm not just because of farming but because we consume minerals and flush them down the toilet and into the sea, again and again and again, meaning the nutrients just aren’t cycling on the Earth like they were once upon a time. Same for dog poo and cat litter in plastic bags now!


COMPOSTING TIP- keep your compost in the freezer so it doesn’t smell or bring in fruit flys.


I love you! I was going to watch Netflix tonight but I’m binging your channel instead.


ETSY for clothing and other unique stuff! <3


It seems so wildly impossible to imagine that the people still willfully in a comatose state after a year of this insanity... will ever wake up.

I don't know what to think any more...

Sometimes I'm certain it's all a mass awakening happening at turtle-speed, and all is perfect; divine timing.

Other times... watching zombies in masks, salivating with excitement over the mark of the beast... that's when I lose my ability to hold on to hope...

(I also heard David icke speak in an interview about the coming of 6g and 7g! How will humanity survive that?)


Another thing you can do in terms of water bottles is not throwing them out. You can refill them and reuse them (something my parents always did), and then make them into a flower pot or something similar that uses most of the plastic so it doesn't end up in landfills🌱


Number one Tip: Please watch "Cowspiracy" on Netflix ! I beg all of you who read this, for the love of pacha mama and her children.

This movie uncovers many unknown truths about how we're hurting our mother that you might not know about. When you, Mia, mentioned methane gas from the rotting food I was really disappointed that you failed to recognize the number one producer of methane gas and that is cows (in factory farms) ! They are also number one culprit for water usage, deforestation, habitat loss, ocean pollution and loss of species. It all comes mainly from cows. Also from grass-fed cattle, that is not an alternative ! The numbers are scary ! The movie will enlighten you.

I am so happy you promote all of this good stuff but really going vegan is the number one thing that will make the biggest impact in all areas. And then slowly implementing Mias tips.

Some other tips:
Being 100% aware of your disposable items usage. The only disposable item I still use is my contact lens stuff and condoms. Everything else has awesome alternatives like menstrual cups, rags and old clothes instead of paper towels etc.

I also go dumpster diving. That might be an option for some people. It saves money and you're actually creating minus waste by recycling the mindlessly thrown all together stuff by the store. Be mindful of course and responsible. :)

Thank you for creating this video and please, Mia, use your platform to promote going vegan, we actually need you to tell us that ! The more people promote it, the better. This will truly save our planet !

Also, I as a vegan wasn't offended by your fox preserving that you talked about in your 1st video with sky, I wouldn't have done it because it feels wrong to me, but I get you wanting to apreciate this animal in your own way.
What I do get offended by though, and I deeply judge this, is that you keep mentioning hunting. I get that you grew up with that, but killing what does not want to die when we have a choice and we literally don't need it, is wrong. But I feel deep down you know this.

Meat is a very low vibrational thing to put in your body, hunting is murdering animals. Shooting discs might be an alternative and/or really questioning why your father needs to kill on a psychological level. There are other ways to connect with your dogs. I had a dachshund and yes he killed a few animals in his life span and I loved him unconditionally, but hunting as a human, really ? That just makes me angry and sad.

Thank you for reading this. This means a lot. Let's save the planet ♡


I judge people who buy plastic, besides those who can't afford not to. However I am still guilty of buying food in plastic, and clothes sometimes too. Well I don't buy our food technically bc my parents do... but you get my point. Most my meals I try to avoid using plastic though when I ask for things. Goals: I hope to be able to afford in the future eco friendly clothes, craigslist etc is a great suggestion! I hope when I live independently I can avoid plastic despite buildup expense of ingredients. I hope I will find plastic free sustainable makeup that isn't so small and expensive. I hope I can buy and use effective eco cleansing products. I hope I will find a suitable flouride free toothpaste one day (my toothpaste is currently one of the only recyclable plastic toothpastes available however is still plastic, but is vegan).
This isn't me excuse making btw, this is a pinpoint that I hope I can update on in the future.
I have a good shampoo, conditioner, and deodrant if anyone's interested! Also please people buy bamboo toothbrushes not wood bc bamboo grows back so much faster!


Also! Water conservation through grey water reuse


I run an online shop where I clean up and sell used and vintage items thats my way of helping the earth by keeping things from going to the landfill! :)
