Neville Goddard Revision Subliminal - Time Machine - Change your past and live your best future now

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The revision technique is one of Neville Goddard's most famous teachings and explains how to change an incident that happened in a way that the present reflects this change.
In other words, it is a tool, a time machine that you can use to change any event in the past, and the consequences of this change will show in your life.

Neville Goddard Revision Subliminal - Time Machine - Change your past and live your best future now

Say for example someone did something that hurt you and until this day, you relive this past event and are stuck in these old feelings. This revision subliminal now notices this emotional turmoil, finds the event in your timeline that caused it and changes what happened - and your experience of life will reflect this change. You will let go of your hurt and sadness and continue with your life just as you would if this didn't happen. Same goes if you did something wrong.
Hey, everyone did things they are not proud of.
Staying in this same state that did these things will only perpetuate their effects. You only hurt yourself and others by not revising them.
Neville Goddard actually spoke of Revision as the ultimate sign of forgiveness and mercy. Not forgiveness in the way the world understands it by just letting go of a grudge - no.
Actual forgiveness is to redeem someone by imagining them as the best version of themself.
Here are some quotes that show how much Neville Goddard valued the Revision technique:
"I firmly believe that if you wisely and daily use the Pruning shears of Revision that you will find there is no objective beyond your ability to realize. And I mean that seriously."
"It [Revision] really is not only the achievement of objectives, but, if you do it daily, you will awaken in you the Spirit of Jesus."
So, use it daily.
Imagine what your life would be like if you, for just 30 days, would uproot the seeds of sadness, anger, tragedy, worry, anxiety, guilt, shame and hurt every single day, and replace them with new seeds of hope, happiness, joy, confidence, love, innocence, freedom...?
What would be different about your life?
Who would you be?
I can tell you, I used this exact revision subliminal that I am sharing here with you, consistently, and my life has dramatically changed. Do you remember a time when you did not fear or worry about the future but were instead joyful and optimistic about what it may bring? Do you remember the times of innocence when you had no grudge, no hurt, no hatred in your heart because of things that you experienced?
Can you remember what freedom feels like?

May this revision subliminal bring this freedom back into your life.
Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments, it is always very inspiring for me to read them and it inspires all of us to let go of the idea of "impossible" and get back this magical freedom we lived in as children.

Thank you, Neville Goddard.

In case you need an introduction to how our subliminals work and what X2 is, take a look here:

Here is a list of some of the benefits:

2. Self-Empowerment
Become a true, conscious creator. You won’t even need the subliminals after a while. You can simply get back into the state and you will reactivate the effects.

5. Immediately noticeable results
This is true for most programs

6. No “Hard work” “Take action”-BS ever again.
I am serious. X2 is a radical paradigm shift. You not only don’t need to take action, it is actually required of you to NOT take action (unless you have a burning desire to do so and are inspired).
“Don’t even raise a finger to make it happen.”
“Effort means that you don’t believe in it.”
-Neville Goddard.

Simply rest in the state and you will do what is natural for this state to do. No more pressure, pep-talk, shaming, strategies, mindmaps etc.

8. Having a hard time dropping your desire and your resistance against what you don’t want?
We got your back. The meditation hybrid is designed to do just that. Gently open your clenched fists so
the seed can fall onto fertile soil and grow.
You will see how easy it is to let go of resistance aswell. We built X2 to take care of all of that so you can just lie back and enjoy the show.

🔴 Disclaimer: None of our products is meant to replace professional medical advice. Use at your own risk. Ask your doctor for advice if in doubt. Please don't use our subliminals more than 1-3 times a day. These are not classic subliminals and you will only hurt yourself if you overdo it. You will not get faster results by listening for longer periods of time.

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1-3 times a day is sufficient. If you listen to it for hours, you will only hurt yourself and the progress. No need to do anything while listening. Just enjoy your new life. Leave your stories and experiences here, I read every single one of them!

I can't tell and I don't know what exactly is going to happen in your reality, if people are going to forget something, what is going to happen in case there are dead people involved and so on. All I can tell is that you will manifest a reality in which circumstances are as though that which you want to revise never happened. There is no way to tell how it is going to happen. There have been all kinds of reports from people either changing or switching universes altogether. We don't know, we can't tell and we don't need to be concerned with that. Know that you can have your desire fulfilled and don't bother about the rest. This subliminal is not designed to enable you to physically travel into the past..


I am revising everything in my past.

My family has always been rich and wealthy.
I have always been in a perfect and healthy relationship with my boyfriend for 10 years.
I have never dated any of my ex’s.
No one has any memory of anything negative.
I have always had perfect health, perfect eye sight, everything in my life has always been in my life has always been perfect.


Hey folks :) this sub is wonderful! I used it for seven days now, gone trough emotional upset here and there. I relate it to this field.
But today i see my past and smile. Everything bad i can remember, feels so okay for me now. Looking forward how amazing it will go in the future! Thanks


I still remember my past but it doesn’t make me feel depressed or doesn’t effect my health. I’m calm and composed, no anxiety attacks or negative thoughts. All this happened after listening only once. Thanks a lot


Omg!! You're back!!

I couldn't find you on YouTube for so long

And i think I've been unintentionally manifesting finding you cuz i clearly remember this music and all the other subs you made

Anyway glad to see you again❤


everything about this subliminal seems so magical. the concept itself and the music.. such captivating music... Thank you for making it🌸🌸 يا سلام يا سلام


I feel like I wanna cry when listening to this audio. The music is so smoothing and comforting like being hugs. I feel my some of my memories being purified and cleansed. Feel like bondages of my soul being released and disappeared.


I really love how you said 1-3 times a day is sufficient because sometimes in the sub communty I get a bit of FOMO and "am I doing this right?" if I'm not for whatever reason able to or wanting to listen to a sub more than 1-3 x. Also I love how you said you CAN if you want just let the sub do its thing cos I really love to play computer games and listen to subs etc. You know? Oh and I don't know if it's the music, the comments, or the sub itself but I cried but not a bad cry a kind of cry of release!


I'm 25 and am having feelings of eternal bliss and happiness like when I was in my teens! This combined with the NoPMO sub have completely transformed my life.


Currently revising a fight between my friends and I that never happened, and they have absolutely zero memory of it. We never fought in the first place and we all besties and closer than ever.


This is honest life changing magic and I appreciate you releasing this. I’ve been using it successfully for years. Let’s see what it can do this time.


That's one of those tracks you can just let run in the back while drawing and feel epic while doing so. I love it. And since I've already experienced the effect of your work, I'm looking forward to use this often.:3


I want to go to the past to prevent myself from marrying my ex. I ignored my instinct, all the signs and red flags because he was begging me to marry him. I believed him and married him. After 13 years of marriage, he doesn't love me anymore and wants to be with someone else. I wasted my youth and career for him. I want to warn my younger self that she's going to make a huge mistake by marrying him.


This is the second time listening. I find myself with pictures in my mind of bad memories changed that leaves me with strong inner content and bliss daily. Wow. Profound results. It seems to be building my emotions to believe things didn't happen the way they did.


Perfect opportunity for me to go back and change my past and someone else's past in the process. I hope this will give him freedom.


i am revising my past. i am turning back time to 1st december, a day before my boyfriend’s birthday and stopping us from fighting.


... maybe, a subliminal that stops global warming and natural disasters. a subliminal for awakening individual and collective consciousness. and one, for the gratitude that we are living the miracle of life. 🙏❤️


Sorry i have to loop this, the music is so wonderful, cant stop hearing! Thank you!


"Actual forgiveness is to redeem someone by imagining them as the best version of themselves" Wow! this sentence in your description alone is life-changing.


clicked on this video at 444 likes - a sign of new beginnings and moving on from something !!
