How does being a refugee affect mental health?

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Hi all! This video is looking at the association between refugees and mental health, discussing the various stages (pre-flight, flight, and resettlement), potential mental health interventions and specifically examining the association between psychosis and being a refugee, I hope you enjoy!

Music intro creds: Jayan Patel

0:00 Intro
00:57 Definitions & stats
03:29 Pre-flight-flight-resettlement stage effects
06:14 Child refugees & stages
07:41 Interventions & protective factors
12:42 Psychosis & refugees/migrants
16:05 Summary


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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you Ava, this was super helpful. I have just volunteered to support refugees from Ukraine in Latvia where I live. And this definitely gave me a better understanding of what I need to take into account while giving care. Thank you.


Very interesting topic, really!
I could relate personally relate to some of these results!


Very thorough and informative as always - many thanks Ava for your knowledge and insight


Awesome video! Very helpful for my research. I'd love to learn more about the benefits of volunteers with similar experiences. Do you have a resource on that?


Sister can u plz tell me. If i want to work with refugees as a psychologist what Process should i follow?? I sm only 19 i


Very cool video! We hope to make positive content just like you do! :)
